vt. bestow on,grant把…给予,授予。
△Lr.1.1.176(173):“Five days we do allot thee.”我现在给你五天时间。
◇ allot to 分配,摊派
‖ allot credits分配信贷
allot funds分配预算拨款
allotted artillery配属炮兵
alloted days规定天数
alloted funds划拨资金
alloted time期限
alloting share派股
allotment n. 分配,拨款,配发,股份配发
allotment ledger预算分配表
allotment letter分配股息通知单,派股通知
allotment money认股金
allotment note分付请求书,配额通知单
allotment of money金额分配
allotment of personnel人员分配allotment of shares分配股份,配股
allotment of shares rationed shares配股
allotment system配给制
allotments for annual expenditures岁出分配额
allotmentee n.被派股人