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raisevt. 1. lift,put in a higher place升起,抬起。 △3H.VI.4.7.80: “And when the morning sun shall raise his car Above the border of this horizon,/ We’ll forward to-wards Warwick and his mates:” (morning sun:Phoe-bus the sun-god; car: his chariot.)等到晨曦之神在那天边高高升起他那天车的时候,我们就向着沃里克和他的同伙进军。 △R.III.5.3.248 (247): “One raised in blood,”一个靠着流血起家的人。 2. raise in dignity,elevate the rank of提拔,提高…的身份。 △3H.VI.2.2.21:“He but a duke,would have hisson a king / And raise his issue like a loving sire;”他不过是一个公爵,却想使他的儿子做国王,并且像一个慈爱的父亲那样竭力提高子孙的身份。 3. build up建立。 △Lr.3.2.64: “More harder thanthe stones whereof ’tis raised,”比建造那房子的石头还要冷酷无情(又译:硬)。 △H.VIII.4.2.57:“ever witness forhim / Those twins of learning that he raised in you,Ipswich and Oxford;”让他在伊普斯威治和牛津两地所建立的两座学府永远为他作证吧。 4. increase增加。 △Lr.4.6.232 (227): “That eyelesshead of thine was first framed flesh/To raise myfortunes.”你那没有眼睛的头生来就是为了让我发财的。 5. arouse,stir up,awaken,make to rise唤起,激起,唤醒,使起来。 △Wiv.5.5. 232 (209):“I’ll raise all Wind-sor.”我要惊动全温莎的人。 △ Mer.2.8.4: “The villainJew with out cries raised the Duke,”那坏蛋犹太人放声大叫,惊动了公爵。 △ Rom.5.3.279: “Where is the County’s page that raised the watch?” 那个把守夜人叫来的伯爵的侍童在哪里? △ Lr.2.4.43: “He raised the house withloud and coward cries.”他用怯懦的叫喊惊动了全家上下。 △ Oth.1.1.168 (167):“Raise all my kindred.”把我所有的家人都叫起来! △Oth.1.2.29:“Those are theraised father and his friends.”那就是被唤起来的父亲和他的朋友们。 △Oth.1.2.43: “And many of the consuls,raised and met,”许多元老都被叫醒,集合开会。 6. levy,collect,gather,assemble征集,搜集,聚集,召集。 △ H.VIII.2.1.108:“Who first raised head against u- surping Richard,”他率先召集军队反对那篡夺王位的理查。7. call up (a spirit) from below,conjure (从下界)召起(精灵),(念咒)召唤。 △1H.IV.3.1.60 (59): “If thouhave power to raise him,bring him hither,”要是你真有力量把他召唤出来,就把他带到这里。 △2H.VI.1.4.24 (21):“Whom we raise,We will make fast within a hal- lowed verge.”我们所召唤来的鬼魂,我们会把他们牢牢禁闭在一个魔圈里。 △ Rom.2.1.23:“’twould anger him / Toraise a spirit in his mistress’ circle,”如果我在他的情人的魔圈里召唤起另外一个人的精灵,他才会生气哩。 Phrases: raise the seige: relieve a besieged place,drive off thebesiegers,cause the besieging forces to withdraw解围。 △1H.VI.1.2.13: “Let’s raise the siege; why live weidly here?”让我们去解围吧;我们为什么呆在这里不动? raise the waters: ❶raise a storm,stir things up引起一场风波。 ❷induce tears引出眼泪。 △Mer.2.2.51(49):“now will I raise the waters.”现在我可要他淌眼泪了。 raise up: elevate提高,使高尚。 △Wiv.5.5.57 (51):“Raise up the organs of her fantasy,” i.e. Give herelevating and pleasant dreams. 让她在高尚的美梦中翱翔如意。 raise[reiz]n.上升,高地 v.提高,筹集,征收,涨租,增加 ◇raise a blockade解除封锁 raise an objection against对…提出异议 raise a claim提出所有权的要求 raise a rumpus引起骚乱 raise from the dead起死回生 raise funds筹集资金 raise havoc among对…造成严重破坏 raise money on以…作抵押来筹款 raise one’s eyebrows惊讶 raise one’s glass向某人祝酒 raise sb. out of sleep唤醒某人 raise the gear收起落架 ‖ raise a cheque增改支票上金额 raise a claim提出权利主张raise a loan发行公债,借款 raise a mortgage取得抵押贷款 raise capital筹集资金 raise a plea提出抗辩 raise a plead提出抗辩 raise a price加价 raise anchor起锚 raise capital筹集资金 raise capital by floating shares筹集(措)资金 raise foreign funds募集外资 raise from below直臂持铃前上举 raise hands and step up提手上势 raise income tax征收所得税 raise inventory增加存贷 raise money筹款,募捐 raise on toes提踵练习 raise people’s ideological and moral standards思想道德建设 raise price提价 raise prices by deceptive means变相涨价 raise the elbows抬肘 raise the funds formally正式筹措资金 raise the funds informally非正式筹措资金 raise the mischief闹事 raise the overall quality of the State sector of the economy提高国有经济的总体素质 raise the prices涨价 raise the stick举棍 raise the stroke增加划桨频率 raise the target升靶 raise the value of money提高币值 raise the wind筹款 raised bar plate高跟蹄铁 raised cheque非法涂改提高金额支票 raised face凸面 raised floor升降式地板 raised flower patter n隆起的花纹 raised grain波纹纹理 raised leg position提腿 raised panel凸镶板 raised plan正面图 raised shot以腾空球射门 raised type阳文铅字 raised work浮雕细工 raising body披身踢脚 raising funds for running school集资办学 raising fund筹集资金 raising hand and stepping up提手上势 raising knee and threading palm in crouch step提膝仆步穿掌 raising leg position控施 raising limit涨停板 raising of capital资本筹集 raising of finance资金筹措 raising speed升速 raising the bar升高横杆 raising the hand虚拳 raising to handstand慢起手倒立 |