释义 |
allegiancen. 1. obligation of a subject,fidelity of subjects,loyalty臣下的职责,臣下的忠诚,忠心。 △2H.Ⅵ. 5. 1. 19:“Or whythou,being a subject as I am,/Against thy oath andtrue allegiance sworn,/Should raise so great a powerwithout his leave,”你,跟我一样同为人臣,为什么违背自己效忠国君的誓言,未得陛下的许可召集这样一支大军? △3H.Ⅵ.3.1. 70: “And we his subjects,sworn in all alle-giance,”我们是他的臣民,已经宣誓对他忠心不二。 △Lr.1.1.170(167):“On thine allegiance,hear me!”凭你做臣子的忠诚,听我说! owe allegiance to: render loyalty to 向…效忠。 △3H.Ⅵ.4.7.17:“My lords,we were forewarned ofyour coming./ And shut the gates for safety ofourselves,/ For now we owe allegiance unto Henry.”诸位大人,我们早就得到消息说你们要来了,为了我们自己的安全把城门关闭,因为我们是向亨利效忠的。 2. fidelity,loyalty;(blunder for) treachery忠诚,忠心;(错用为)反叛,不忠。 △Ado.3.3.4:“that were a punish-ment too good for them,if they should have any alle-giance in them,being chosen for the Prince’s watch.”他们当了亲王的巡丁,居然还有忠心(意指:二心),这样的惩罚太轻了。 allegiance[əˈli:dӠəns]n.拥护,忠诚,效忠 ‖ letter pledging allegiance效忠信 oath of allegiance效忠宣誓 allegiant adj.忠心的,忠实的 |