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单词 module
释义 module /'modju: ! US: -6zu: 1; 'mo6zul/ n [C] 1 standard or unit of measurement as used in building. (建筑方面所用的) 标准尺寸; 基本单位; 漠数。 2 standard uniform component used in the structure of a building or in sectional furniture; unit of electronic components as used in the assembly of a computer: (建筑物之构造或组合像具中之) 组件; . ( 电子计算机等之) 模组; 单体: a 'memory ~, unit of components in a mechanical system. (机械系统中的) 记忆单体。 3 independent and self-contained unit of a spacecraft. 舱 (太空船中具有一切必需配备的独立单位) 。 com'mand ~, for the astronaut in command. 指挥舱(供负责指挥太空探险之太空人乘坐者)。 'lunar ~, to be separated for a moon landing. 登月小艇。 modular /'modjub(r) US: -dju-; 'mc6zvl/ adj based on a ~ or unit: 以组件为基本的; 以模组或单体为基本的: modular design/con- struction, based on a ~ which is repeated through out the design. 单体设计 (构造物) (整个图样或构造物中以一单体之一再重复而成) 。




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