释义 |
Achilles:i. e. Greek hero of the Iliad,who was thebest warrior on the Greek side,as Hector was on theTrojan side阿喀琉斯,荷马《伊利亚特》中的希腊英雄,特洛伊战争中希腊军队的主将。 △L. L. L. 5. 2. 632: “Hide thyhead,Achilles,here comes Hector in arms.”藏起你的头,阿喀琉斯;赫克托披着铠甲来了。(按:赫克托为特洛伊军队的主将。) Achilles’ spear: Telephus,son of Hercules,woundedby Achilles’ spear,was eventually cured by the rustfrom the point of the same spear阿喀琉斯的矛枪(神话传说它所刺的伤口只能由它的锈治愈)。 △2H.VI.5.1.100:“Whose smile and frown,like to Achilles'spear,/ Isable with the change to kill and cure.”(change: i.e.from frown to smile and vice versa.)我的一笑一怒,就像阿喀琉斯的矛枪,在变化莫测之中可以杀人,也可以叫人活。 |