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单词 zone
释义 zone /zaun; zon/ n 1 belt, band or stripe going round, and distinguished by colour, appearance, etc. 环带; 圈。 2 one of the five parts into which the earth's surface is divided by imaginary lines parallel to the equator (the 'torrid, N & S 'temperate, and the 'frigid ~s). (地球上的) 带; 地带(以想像中与赤道平行之线,分地球为五个地带,即热带、北温带、南温带、北寒带、南寒带)。 3 area with particular features, purpose or use: (具有某特征、 目的或用途的)地区; 区域: the war ~; 战区; within the ~ of submarine activity, ie where, during a war, submarines are active; 在潜水艇活动的区域内; the 'danger ~; 危险区; a 'parking ~; 停车区(场); smokeless ~s, (usu urban) areas in which only smokeless fuels may be used (in homes, factories, etc). 无烟区(通常指城市内禁燃发烟燃料的区域)。 4 (US) particular area in which certain postal, telephone, etc rates are charged. (美)(便于计算邮费、电话费等的)区; 段; 邮区。 vt [VP6A] encircle, mark, with, into, or as with a ~ or ~s; divide into ~s. 用或似用带围起或标示出; 把…分成若干区域。 zonal /'zsonl; 'zonl/ adj relating to, arranged in, ~s. 环带的; 地带而; 划分为区域的; 排列或形成环带的。 zoning n [U] (in planning urban areas) designation of areas for various purposes, eg shopping, residential, industrial. (都市计划中)分区; 区域划分(指定某某地区为商业区、住宅区、工业区等)。




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