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单词 vengeance

Analysis of the Word: Vengeance

Meaning Explanation

"Vengeance" is a noun that means punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong. In simpler terms, it refers to revenge or getting back at someone for something they have done.

例如,“Vengeance is mine.” 的意思是“报复由我来执行。”

Example Sentences

  1. His face was contorted into a mask of vengeance.
  2. He swore vengeance on everyone who opposed him.
  3. They believe in an old saying, "Vengeance is a dish best served cold."

Analysis of Word Roots

"Vengeance" comes from the Latin "vindicta" which means revenge, derived from "vindicare" which means to claim, to avenge.

Derived words: vindicate (defend), vindication (justification)

Analysis of Word Affixes

"Vengeance" doesn't have a clear prefix or suffix. But the similar word "avenge" has prefix a- which means on, in, into, to, etc.

Similar affix words: aside, acome, astir, awaken

Word History and Cultural Background

Vengeance is a prevalent theme in literature and media as it is universally understood and has potent emotional appeal. It often arises from perceived injustice and the subsequent desire for retribution.

Word Inflection

There's no inflection for the word vengeance as it's a noun.

Expressions with "vengeance":

  • with a vengeance: (phrase) with great force or enthusiasm.

例如,“She attacked the task with a vengeance.” 的意思是“她充满了热情地投入到工作中。”

Memory Assistance

You can associate "vengeance" with a scene from a movie or a story where a character seeks revenge.

Small Story

“There's a fire within her eyes, a quiet fierceness. The thirst for vengeance against the people who hurt her is evident. Yet her vengeance isn't cruel. It's justice.”






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