释义 |
机构职衔jī ɡòu zhí xiánOrganizations & Posts帮办 [bānɡ bàn] assistant in managing; sub-officer; deputy chief 部 [bù] ministry 部长 [bù zhǎnɡ] minister; [USA] secretary 财政部长 [cái zhènɡ bù zhǎnɡ] finance minister 参事 [cān shì] counselor 参议员 [cān yì yuán] senator 参议院 [cān yì yuàn] house of councilors; the upper house 参议院议长 [cān yì yuàn yì zhǎnɡ] the President of the House of Councilors; the Upper House President 参议院议员 [cān yì yuàn yì yuán] member of the House of Councilors; councilor 常务委员 [chánɡ wù wěi yuán] member of standing committee 抄写员 [chāo xiě yuán] copyist; copier 处长 [chù chánɡ] head of a department; section chief; commissioner 打字员 [dǎ zì yuán] typist 大臣 [dà chén] minister; [Britain] secretary 大法官 [dà fǎ ɡuān] the grand justice; [Britain] chancellor 代理主席 [dài lǐ zhǔ xí] acting chairperson 代总统 [dài zǒnɡ tǒnɡ] acting president 当局 [dānɡ jú] the authorities 党的干部 [dǎnɡ de ɡàn bù] party executive/cadre 党委副书记 [dǎnɡ wěi fù shū jì] deputy party secretary 党员 [dǎnɡ yuán] party member 党的总书记 [dǎnɡ de zǒnɡ shū jì] party secretary general 档案管理员 [dànɡ àn ɡuǎn lǐ yuán] filing clerk; archivist 地方党委 [dì fānɡ dǎnɡ wěi] local party committee 地方行政 [dì fānɡ xínɡ zhènɡ] local administration 地方政府 [dì fānɡ zhènɡ fǔ] local government 副国务卿 [fù ɡuó wù qīnɡ] deputy secretary; undersecretary 副检察长 [fù jiǎn chá zhǎnɡ] vice procurator; [Britain] solicitor-general 副局长 [fù jú zhǎnɡ] deputy director/chief 副秘书长 [fù mì shū zhǎnɡ] assistant/deputy secretary general 副首相 [fù shǒu xiànɡ] deputy prime minister 副厅长 [fù tīnɡ zhǎnɡ] deputy director 副议长 [fù yì zhǎnɡ] vice speaker of a legislative body 副州长 [fù zhōu zhǎnɡ] sub-governor 副总统 [fù zǒnɡ tǒnɡ] vice-president 干事 [ɡàn shì] secretary in charge of something; business assistant 高级官员 [ɡāo jí ɡuān yuán] high-rank/senior official 阁员 [ɡé yuán] cabinet (officer/member) 公务员 [ɡōnɡ wù yuán] civil/public servant 股长 [ɡǔ zhǎnɡ] section chief 国策顾问 [ɡuó cè ɡù wèn] national policy advisor 国防部长 [ɡuó fánɡ bù zhǎnɡ] defense minister 国会 [ɡuó huì] [in American countries] congress; [in England, Canada, etc.] parliament; [in Denmark, Japan, etc.] the National Diet 国家元首 [ɡuó jiā yuán shǒu] head of state 国民大会代表 [ɡuó mín dà huì dài biǎo] national assembly delegate 国务卿 [ɡuó wù qīnɡ] [USA] secretary 国务院 [ɡuó wù yuàn] department of state; state council; [USA] State Department 候补委员 [hòu bǔ wěi yuán] reserve/alternate member 机要秘书 [jī yào mì shū] confidential secretary 监察委员 [jiān chá wěi yuán] controller; supervisor 监察委员会 [jiān chá wěi yuán huì] control commission; supervisory committee 监察院长 [jiān chá yuàn zhǎnɡ] president of control commission 检察长 [jiǎn chá zhǎnɡ] chief procurator; public procurator-general 检察官 [jiǎn chá ɡuān] procurator; prosecutor 检察机关 [jiǎn chá jī ɡuān] procuratorial organ 检察院 [jiǎn chá yuàn] procuratorate 交通部长 [jiāo tōnɡ bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Communication 教育部长 [jiào yù bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Education 经济部长 [jīnɡ jì bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Economy 局长 [jú zhǎnɡ] director 军事法庭 [jūn shì fǎ tínɡ] military tribunal; court martial; provost court 考试委员会 [kǎo shì wěi yuán huì] examination committee/centre 考试委员会主任 [kǎo shì wěi yuán huì zhǔ rèn] head of the examination committee; director of the examination centre 考试中心 [kǎo shì zhōnɡ xīn] examination committee; examination centre 科长 [kē zhǎnɡ] section chief 科员 [kē yuán] department staff 口译 [kǒu yì] interpreter 劳工部长 [láo ɡōnɡ bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Labor 立法委员 [lì fǎ wěi yuán] legislator; lawmaker 立法委员会 [lì fǎ wěi yuán huì] legislative committee 立法院 [lì fǎ yuàn] legislative assembly 临时总统 [lín shí zǒnɡ tǒnɡ] president pro tem 秘书长 [mì shū zhǎnɡ] secretary general 内政部长 [nèi zhènɡ bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Domestic Affairs 农业部长 [nónɡ yè bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Agriculture 女市长 [nǚ shì zhǎnɡ] mayoress; madam mayor 侨务委员会委员长 [qiáo wù wěi yuán huì wěi yuán zhǎnɡ] Chairman of Overseas Affairs Commission 区长 [qū zhǎnɡ] ward chief; chief director of a district 荣誉侍卫长 [rónɡ yù shì wèi zhǎnɡ] honorary chief aide-de-camp 社会部长 [shè huì bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Social Affairs 审计部长 [shěn jì bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Audit 省议员 [shěnɡ yì yuán] provincial councilor 省主席 [shěnɡ zhǔ xí] provincial governor 侍从 [shì cónɡ] aide-de-camp 侍卫长 [shì wèi zhǎnɡ] chief aide-de-camp 市长 [shì zhǎnɡ] mayor 市议员 [shì yì yuán] municipal councilor 市政府 [shì zhènɡ fǔ] municipality; city government office; city government hall 首相 [shǒu xiànɡ] prime minister; premier 书记 [shū jì] secretary 署 [shǔ] [USA] agency 司长 [sī zhǎnɡ] department chief 司法 [sī fǎ] judicature; judicatory 司法部 [sī fǎ bù] judiciary 司法部长 [sī fǎ bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Justice 司法行政部长 [sī fǎ xínɡ zhènɡ bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Judicial Administration 速记员 [sù jì yuán] stenographer 随员 [suí yuán] aide; pigtail 特别国会 [tè bié ɡuó huì] special diet session 铁道部长 [tiě dào bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Railway 厅长 [tīnɡ zhǎnɡ] director 同盟会员 [tónɡ ménɡ huì yuán] alliance member 外交部长 [wài jiāo bù zhǎnɡ] Foreign Minister; Minister of Foreign Affairs 未就职总统 [wèi jiù zhí zǒnɡ tǒnɡ] president-elect 卫生部长 [wèi shēnɡ bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Public Health 文官 [wén ɡuān] official 文书 [wén shū] clerk 武官 [wǔ ɡuān] officer 县长 [xiàn zhǎnɡ] governor; prefectural governor; magistrate 县议员 [xiàn yì yuán] district councilman 县政府 [xiàn zhènɡ fǔ] prefectural government office; county government 乡民代表 [xiānɡ mín dài biǎo] rural councillor/representative 新闻局长 [xīn wén jú zhǎnɡ] director of information office 宣传部长 [xuān chuán bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Propaganda 议长 [yì zhǎnɡ] assembly speaker 议员 [yì yuán] councilman; assemblyman; councillor 译员 [yì yuán] translator; interpreter 元首 [yuán shǒu] chief ruler 院 [yuàn] academy;institute 战略顾问 [zhàn lüè ɡù wèn] strategy advisor 政府发言人 [zhènɡ fǔ fā yán rén] government spokesman 执行秘书 [zhí xínɡ mì shū] executive secretary 中央常务委员会 [zhōnɡ yānɡ chánɡ wù wěi yuán huì] Central Standing Committee 中央顾问委员会 [zhōnɡ yānɡ ɡù wèn wěi yuán huì] Central Advisory Committee 中央委员会 [zhōnɡ yānɡ wěi yuán huì] Central Committee 众议员 [zhònɡ yì yuán] [Japan] congressman; congresswoman; Dietman 众议院 [zhònɡ yì yuàn] house of representatives; the lower house 众议院议长 [zhònɡ yì yuàn yì zhǎnɡ] the Speaker of the House of Representatives; the Lower House Speaker 众议院议员 [zhònɡ yì yuàn yì yuán] member of the House of Representatives; representatives 州长 [zhōu zhǎnɡ] governor 主管官员 [zhǔ ɡuǎn ɡuān yuán] authorized/chief official 主任 [zhǔ rèn] chief; director 主任秘书 [zhǔ rèn mì shū] chief secretary 主席 [zhǔ xí] chairperson 助理干事 [zhù lǐ ɡàn shì] assistant 专员 [zhuān yuán] commissioner; person specially assigned for a job 总干事 [zǒnɡ ɡàn shì] general secretary in charge 总书记 [zǒnɡ shū jì] secretary general 总统顾问 [zǒnɡ tǒnɡ ɡù wèn] presidential adviser 总务主任 [zǒnɡ wù zhǔ rèn] chief of general affairs 组织部长 [zǔ zhī bù zhǎnɡ] Minister of Organization |