分析词义 "Toll" 的主要意思是价格,费用,特别是用在过路费,桥梁费等方面。它还有其他一些意思,比如作为动词,它表示:来自国王或教堂在特殊场合敲钟的声音。 列举例句 - There is a high toll for driving into the city during peak hours. (在高峰期内开车进城要支付高额的过路费。)
- The toll of the church bell signaled the end of the ceremony. (教堂钟声的敲响标志着仪式的结束。)
- The war took a heavy toll on the civilian population. (战争给平民人口带来了沉重的损失。)
词根分析 "Toll" 是一个起源于古英语的单词,源于 "tollian",其根源是 "talu",这在各种老日耳曼语言中都有使用,意指 "提计"或"算账"。 词缀分析 "Toll" 是一个没有词缀的单词,既没有前缀也没有后缀。 发展历史和文化背景 "Toll" 最初是指在旧英语中的收税,最初是由各地方区域对过往行人的赋税。后来,这个词语得到了扩展,用来表示为公众服务而付款等概念。 单词变形 - 名词:toll
- 动词:toll (tolls, tolling, tolled)
记忆辅助 你可以通过联想法来记住这个单词。比如,你可以将 "toll" 联想为 "to all",想象为支付费用给所有人的情况。 小故事 There was a small bridge in the village. Every time villagers crossed it, they had to pay a toll to the old bridge keeper. One day, a poor artist came along. He had no money but offered to paint a mural in exchange for crossing. The bridge keeper agreed, and the artist's work became a village landmark. 翻译:在村子里有一座小桥。每次村民过桥,他们都要向桥的看守老人支付过桥费。一天,一个贫穷的艺术家路过这里。他没有钱,但提出用绘制一幅壁画来换取过桥的机会。桥的看守人同意了,于是艺术家的作品就成为了村子的地标。 |