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单词 单枪匹马

单枪匹马匹马单枪;匹马单刀;单兵独马;单人独马dān qiāng pǐ mǎ

a lonely horseman and a single spear; alone; all by oneself; one person blundering along single-handed; play a lone hand;single-handed
❍ 却说司马懿被张翼、廖化一阵杀败,匹马单枪,望密林间而走。(《三国演义》892) Sorely smitten in the battle,Sima fled from the field a lonely horseman,a single spear. Seeing a thick wood in the distance he made for its shelter.
❍ 现在竟然想~去过三关斩六将,话还说得那么轻便! (高云览《小城春秋》60)Lightly announcing that he was going to take on six deadly opponents—and all by himself.
❍ 俺哥哥称孤道寡世无双,我关某匹马单刀镇荆襄。(《关汉卿戏剧集·关大王独赴单刀会》247) Liu Bei has no match as a monarch,and alone I govern Jingzhou.
❍ 第二路是杨子荣,单人独马,去完成一个特殊的、我们最不熟悉的任务。(曲波《林海雪原》186) The second will be Comrade Zirong. He will have to go it alone,and complete an unusual and difficult task.
❍ 关云长千里独行觅二友,匹马单刀镇九州; …… (《关汉卿戏剧集·关大王独赴单刀会》245) When Lord Guan went out alone to find two comrades with one horse and sword he awed the entire land,…


single-handed;all by oneself;alone

单枪匹马匹马单枪dān qiānɡ pǐ mǎ

比喻单独一个人,或一个人单独行动。alone, all by oneself, single-handed





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