分析词义: "Scandal" 是一个名词,主要是指一种令人震惊,可能会引起公众愤怒的不道德或非法的行为或事件,常用于政治、娱乐或商业领域。例如:"A political scandal". 例句: - The recent political scandal has rocked the nation. 最近的政治丑闻震动了全国。
- His involvement in the scandal ruined his reputation. 他卷入丑闻毁了他的名声。
- She found herself at the centre of a scandal. 她发现自己成了丑闻的中心人物。
词根分析: "Scandal" 来自希腊语单词 "skandalon",它指的是困扰或者尴尬,呈现出一种阻碍或者捕获。 相似的单词: - Scandalous (形容词) - something scandalous causes general public outrage by a perceived offense against morality or law.
- Scandalize (动词) - it means to shock or horrify someone by a real or imagined violation of propriety, morality, or law.
词缀分析: 见于 "scandal" 的 "-al" 是一个常见的名词或形容词后缀,表示与...有关,关于...的。 相同词缀的其他单词: - Personal
- Natural
- Fatal
发展历史和文化背景: Scandal 这个词在14世纪从法语引入英语,原义 "discredit caused by irreligious or immoral action",现代的定义却有了泛化的趋势,可以用来指任何导致道德或法律的公开愤怒的行为。 单词变形: 复数形式: Scandals 记忆辅助: 可以联想到著名的美剧《丑闻》(Scandal),这部剧就是围绕政治丑闻展开的故事,可以帮助你更好记住 "scandal" 这个单词。 小故事: "The mayor was embroiled in a scandal when it was uncovered he had been taking bribes. It was a shocking revelation that rocked the city." 市长卷入了一个丑闻之中,因为他接受了贿赂被揭发,这是一个震惊全城的惊人揭示。 |