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单词 return


1. coming or going back返回。
make return: go back返回。
△Lr.2.4.152 (150):“Therefore I pray you / That to our sister you domake return; / Say you have wronged her.”所以我请你回到我姐姐那里去,并且说你委屈了她。
2. response,reply答复,回答。
△H.V.2.4.127:“if myfather render fair return,”i.e. give a courteous re-ply. 即使我的父王给你们 一个有礼貌的答复。


1. send back,bring back送回;带回。
△Tw.1.1.24(23): “I might not be admitted,/ But from her hand-
maid do return this answer;”我没有被准许进去见她,只是从她的侍女那里带回这么一个答复。
2. give back. give in recompense,repay 回报,报答。
△ Lr.1.1.98 (96): “I , Return those duties back as
are right fit.” 我自然要恪遵恰如其分的责任来报答你。
△Oth.4.2.190(188):“You have told me she hath
received them and returned me expectations and com-forts”,你告诉我说她已经接受这些珠宝,并给了我希望和鼓励。
△H.VIII.5.1.64: “who (i.e. the Queen) returnedher thanks / In the great'st (= greatest) humbleness,and desired your Highness / Most heartily to pray forher.”王后谦卑地表示答谢,并且衷心恳请陛下为她祈祷。
△H.VIII.2.3.69: “yet prayers and wishes / Are all Ican return.”但是祈祷和祝愿就是我所能拿出的全部报答了。3. give in reply,send back word,answer答复,回话给…,回答。
△H.V.3.3.45: “The Dauphin,whom ofsuccours we entreated,/ Returns us that his powersare yet not ready / To raise so great a siege.”我们曾向太子恳求援兵,但他回答我们说他的军队还没有准备好来解除这样强大的包围。
△1H.VI.2.2.51:“And therefore tell her
I return great thanks.”所以请告诉夫人我对她非常感谢。
~ vi.
1. turn back again,come back to a former and usuallya better state回转,返回(到原先更好的境地)。
△Lr.4.1.5: “The lamentable change is from the best. / Theworst returns to laughter.”i.e.The worst must inevi-tably change for the better.可悲的变化是从最好来的,最坏会转为欢笑。(卞之琳译)
△1H.VI.4.5.19:“He that fliesso will ne'er return again.”这样逃走的绝不会再回来复仇。2. fall (to).become the share (of)归属。
△Ham.1.1.91:“which had returned / To the inheritance of Fort-
3. come back to a former subject,speak again of aformer subject回到原先的话题,再谈谈原先的话题。
return we to: let us come back to the subject of,let
us get back to talking about让我们还回到…的话题,让我们拐回来再谈谈…
△2H.VI.3.1.322:“But now return weto the false Duke Humphrey.”但是现在让我们拐回来再谈谈那个伪善的亨弗雷公爵吧。


n. 回归,回程,归来,收入,申报,报酬,利润,收益(率),统计表,选举结果报告v. 回来,退回,回答,返回,回归,归还adj. 反向的
◇ expect no return不望报答
in return for作为…的交换
make a return of汇报
return hurt for hurt以怨报怨,以牙还牙
returns of losses伤亡报告
a returned ticket退票
returns of losses伤亡报告
‖ income tax return所得税申请报告
present a gift in return还礼
return after all taxes税后报酬,纳税后收益
return analysis回报分析
return a salute还礼
return a service接发球
return a ticket退票
return board滑板
return cargo freight回运货物运费
return chute回球斜槽
return commission回扣
return day传票上的出庭日
return dinner答谢宴会
return fare往返票价
return fire还击
return flight返航
return freight回程运费
return in kind以货代钱
return kick回踢
return leave passage allowance双程度假旅费津贴
return match回访比赛
return merchandise退货
return of amount overpaid退还多付的金额
return of capital资本退回
return of commission退回佣金
return of duty税率收入
Return of Election Deposit发还选举按金表格
return of equity权益报酬率
return of insurance保险利润
return of investment投资利润
return of loans借款偿付
return of man to himself人性的复归
return of premium退回保险费
return of scale规模利益
return of security退还保证金
return of service接发球
return on assets资产收益
return on assets资产收益率
return on capital资本收益率
return on capital employed资本报酬率,投资资本利润
Return on Equity (ROE)权益回报率,股本收益率
return on funds基金收益率
return on gross assets资产总额利润率
return on invested capital投入资本收益
return on investment投资收益
Return on Investment(ROI)投资回报率return on investment capital投入资本收益率
return on investment ratio投资收益比率
Return on Net Assets (RONA)净资产回报率return on net worth (return on equity)净资产收益率,净值收益
return on net worth净资产利润率
return on owner’s equity业主权益报酬率
return on sales销货赢利
return on shareholder’s equity股东权益收益率
return on tangible assets有形资产收益率
return on total assets总资产收益率,资产总额利润率
return pass反身传球,回传球
return passage双程旅费
return period(巨灾)间隔期
return premium退回保险费
return rate of education investment教育投资回报率
return receipt回执
return relay迎面接力
return remittance退回汇款
return route返航航线
return sales memorandum销货退回通知单
return sb.taken退赔
return sb.’s file to his(her)native place退档
return short with short以短球回短球
return sth. with thanks奉还
return stride急停后转身速滑
return swing回摆
return the lead(桥牌)跟牌
return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage多退少补
return the watch回表
return ticket往返票
return to base退回原垒
return to one’s unit归队
return to the game再次上场比赛
return trajectory返回轨道
return trip回程
returns inwards account销货退回账returns inwards book销货退回簿,销货退回账册
returns of losses伤亡报告
returns of the money货币回笼
returns on equity (ROE)权益回报率
returns on stockholder’s equity股东权益报酬率
returns outwards book购货退出簿,进货退回账册
returns-to-education approach教育收益研究
returns to scale规模收益
returned check退回支票
returned oversea Chinese归侨
returned purchase invoice购货退货凭单
returned sales account销货退回账户
returned student留学生
Returning Officer选举主任
returning officer选务官
returning spring复进簧
returnable adj. returnable air target可回收空靶
returnable deposit存入保证金
returnable taxes可退税款





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