分析词义: Induce 具有"引导、诱导、引发、导致"的含义。比如,如果一种行为或情况引发另一种行为或情况,我们可以说第一种行为或情况induce了第二种。 列举例句: - The medication can induce sleep. 这种药物可以诱导睡眠。
- Stress can induce overeating. 压力可以导致过度饮食。
- The investigators worked to induce the suspect to confess. 调查员努力诱导嫌疑人承认罪行。
词根分析: Induce的词根是,duc/duct, 意为“引导、导致”。类似的单词有produce (生产),conduce(有助于), deduce(推断), seduce(诱惑)。 词缀分析: Induce中,前缀" in-"表示“进入”," -duce "是词根,表示引导。其他具有此前缀的单词包括scatter (散播),include (包括),inject (注入)。 发展历史和文化背景: Induce源自中世纪拉丁语的"inducere",原意是“引导、引诱、引发”。 单词变形: 名词形式:inducement, 可译为:诱因。固定搭配:induce somebody to do something,意为:诱使某人做某事。 记忆辅助: 我们可以通过" in-" 和 "-duce" 的含义,制造一个联想记忆法:进入 (in-) 导致 (-duce)的状态,我们会被某种行为或情况所诱导 (induce)。 小故事: Tom's love for art was induced by a visit to the local museum. His eyes were drawn to the vibrant colors, bold strokes and the way the artists captured emotion. He went home and immediately started painting. (汤姆对艺术的热爱是由访问当地博物馆引发的。他被鲜明的色彩、大胆的笔触以及艺术家们捕捉情感的方法所吸引。他回到家后,立即开始绘画。) |