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单词 case
case1/keɪs/ n [-s/ ɪz/]

(1)事例(instance or example of the existence or occurrence of sth)[C]:It was a clear (typical)~of stupidity/dishonesty/blackmail/cheating/bad planning/mistaken identity/poor judgement/love at first sight.这是明显(典型)的愚蠢/不老实/敲诈/欺骗/计划不周/误认身份/判断有误/一见钟情。〖同〗instance,example;

(2)事实,实情(fact;state or situation of affairs)[Cthe~]:I don't think that's really the~.我认为并非如此。He said/heard that was (not) the~.他说/听说那(不)是实情。If that's the~,I must try as well.如果是那样的话,我也应该试一试。Is it the~that he has lost everything? 他是把什么都丢了吗? Such being the~,... 既然情况如此,……

(3)情况(形)(particular occasion or state of affairs relating to a person or thing)[C,通常 sing]:That is (not) the~with Mary.玛丽的情况(不)是如此。The ~with her (Her~) is different/difficult to handle.她的情况不同/难于处理。It's different in my~.我的情况不同。In his~(In the~of him/In this~/In that~),nothing is to be done. 在他这种情况(在他这种情况/如果这样的话/如果那样的话),毫无办法。In such~s/In many~s,no action is necessary.在这种情况下/在许多情况下,没有必要采取行动。Take her~for example/instance,...以她的情况为例,……〖同〗situation,condition,circumstance;

(4)病例,个案,病人(occurrence of a diseasedisorder or an injury;person suffering from this)[C]:This is a bad~of small pox/fever/typhoid/measles/tuberculosis(TB).这是明显的天花/发烧/伤寒/麻疹/肺结核。There were many~s of influenza.有许多流感病例。give an account of the~of Mary 说一说玛丽的病症;The doctor had many~s to see.大夫有许多病人要看。The worst~s are sent to the hospital.最严重的病人已送往医院。~history 病历;档案;〖同〗patient;disease;

(5)案件(matter that needs action by the police or other officials)[C]:a murder/robbery~谋杀/抢劫案;look into a~of murder/robbery with violence调查谋杀/暴力抢劫案;the~of the missing heiress女继承人失踪的案件;

(6)诉讼案子(matter to be decided in a court of law;lawsuit)[C]:try/hear/re-open/lose a~审理/审问/重新开审/输掉案子;The~came before the court /was brought before a jury.这案子开庭审理了/提交给了陪审团裁决。one's~against sb else某人控告他人的案子;The judge in this~is very fair.审这案子的法官很公正。〖同〗lawsuit,suit;

(7)(诉讼的)论据(事实)(facts or arguments to be used in a court of law)[C,通常 sing]:have/make/present a(strong/clear/good)~against sb有/提出/提出控告某人的(有力/明确/有效的)论据;have a strong~for one's side/for the prosecution/for the defence有为己方辩护/为原告作证/答辩的有力论据;There's a good~for thinking he's wrong.完全有根据认为他是错误的。state one's~陈述自己的根据;〖同〗argument,debate;

(8)(语法)格((changes in the)form of a nounpronoun or adjective showing its relation to other words in a sentence)[CU]:the subject(ive)/object(ive)/possessive/common~主格/宾格/所有格/通格;

(9)傻瓜,笨蛋(silly person;fool)[Csing](sl):He is a real~/really is a~.他真是个大傻瓜。

in any case无论如何:In any~,you should return in one day.无论情况怎样,你应该一天内回来。

in no case决不:In no~are you to leave your post.你决不可离开岗位。

in case of 如果,万一;以防(备):in~of illness /necessity /need /emergency /flood /fire/rain万一有病/需要/有用/出现紧急情况/发生洪灾/着火/下雨;insure the house/break the glass in~of fire将房子保险以防发生火灾/万一发生火灾把玻璃打碎;

in case以防(备);如果,万一:Take it in~it (should) rain(s)/you(should)need it/anything (should) happen(s).带着它以备下雨/万一你用得着/万一出什么事。It may not rain,but you'd better take it in~.也许不会下雨,不过你最好带着它以防万一。

→′case-book n 病(案)例簿;′case-law n 案例审判法;′case-load n(医生的)全部服务对象;′case-study n 个案研究;

【辨异】caseinstanceexample都表示代表一类事物的某个特例。case是通用语,指典型的一例或一类事实和情况,如:a typical case of cheating(典型的欺骗);instance(例证,实例)在语义上与case紧密相关,是用以说明一个总的思想的具体事例,如:an instance of bad behaviour(不良行为的一个例子);example(例证,实例)是许多类似事实和情况中的典型一例,用以说明一般规律(同类中其他的也会如此),如:The boy is an example of the effect of strict discipline.(这个男孩是说明严格的纪律发挥作用的一个例证。)还有illustration(例证),在语义上与 instance 紧密相关,也是用来说明一个理论或原则,只是其选择纯粹是假设的,如:The working of a pump is an illustration how the heart sends blood around the body.(水泵的工作原理可以说明心脏是如何给全身供血的。)





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