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❶ (力量) power; might; strength: 显神 ~ show an invincible might; display martial prowess; 权 ~ authority; 示 ~ demonstrate one's strength
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 子伯 Wei Zibo Ⅱ (用武力吓唬) threaten by force: ~ 迫 coerce; intimidate; threaten by force
◆威逼 threaten by force; coerce; intimidate; menace; 威逼利诱 resort to both mild and severe [stern] measures; alternate intimidation and bribery; coerce and bribe; combine threats with inducements; compel by threat or lure by money [offers]; intimidate by force and beguile with money; persuade and cajole sb. with veiled threats; practise intimidation and bribery; resort to all kinds of threats and inducements; (try all sorts of) threats and cajolery to bring sb. around; try to get sb. through both force and bribery; 威逼利诱, 不为所动 immune to bribery and indomitable [dauntless] before threats; 威而不猛 be dignified but not violent; imposing but not fierce; 威尔士 Welsh; 威风 power and prestige; domineering influence; high prestige backed up with power; imposing; impressive; awe-inspiring; majestic looking; 威风凛凛 majestic-looking; awe-inspiring; awful air; in a great state; of awe-inspiring appearance; One's manner is in a threatening aspect.; One's manner is threatening.; with great dignity; 威风扫地 with every shred of one's prestige swept away — completely discredited; discredit ... thoroughly; One's dignity and prestige were swept into the dust.; One's reputation is dragged in the dust.; sweep every bit of one's prestige into the dust; with one's dignity in the dust; 威风十足 One's prestige is at its apogee — having an awe-inspiring reputation.; 威福自恣 assume great airs; 威吓 intimidate; threaten; overawe; bully; 威力 force; power; formidable force; might; 威力试验 power testing; 威力无比 be extremely powerful; 威力侦察 reconnaissance by force; 威灵仙 {中药} the root of Chinese clematis; radix clematidis; 威罗布 willow; 威名 fame based on great strength or military exploits; prestige; an awe-inspiring reputation; renown; 威名远扬 One's reputation spreads extensively.; One's august name is widely known.; One's fame spreads far and wide.; 威尼斯 Venice; 威尼斯式窗 {木} Venetian window; 威迫利诱 practise intimidation and bribery; big stick and carrot; coercion and coaxing; combine threats with inducements [blandishments]; threaten and bribe; 威权 authority; power; 威杀灵 acenaphthene; 威慑 terrorize with military force; deter; 威士忌 whiskey; whisky; 威势 power and influence; 威斯康星大学托卡马克 Wisconsin university tokamak; 威斯汀豪斯电气公司 [美] Westinghouse Electric Corporation; 威特理论 {化} Witt theory; 威望 prestige; 威武 might; force; power; powerful; mighty; 威武不屈 defy steadfastly all brute force; firm and unyielding; heroic and indomitable; Neither threats nor force can bend(him).;not to bow to pressure; not to submit to force; 威武不屈, 富贵不淫 be neither intimidated by force, nor subdued by wealth or rank; 威武雄壮 magnificent and mighty; display power and grandeur; full of power and grandeur; 威胁 threaten; menace; imperil; 威胁恐吓 threaten and intimidate; 威信 prestige; popular trust; 威信扫地 with every shred of one's prestige swept away — completely discredited; be shorn of one's prestige; One's reputation is dragged in the dust.; sweep every bit of sb.'s prestige into the dust; 威严 dignified; stately; majestic; awe-inspiring; awe; prestige; dignity; 威仪 impressive and dignified manner; 威震敌胆 have powerful combat strength that strikes terror into the hearts of the enemy; 威震华夏 become famous and fear-inspiring throughout China; 威震九州 hold the world in awe; 威震全国 win resounding fame throughout the country; 威震四海 inspire awe throughout the country; hold the world in awe; 威震天下 inspire awe throughout the country [all corners of the world]; One's majesty is felt throughout the whole country.





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