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单词 carry
carry/′kæri/ v [-yies/z/;-yied,-yied/d/];n

v(1)携带,扛(抱,背)(bear the weight of (sb/sth) in one's arms or handson one's shoulders or backetc while moving)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:You can't~such a load.你不能扛这么重的东西。~a suitcase in one's arms/on one's back/on one's shoulder怀抱/背/肩扛一个手提箱;~a child over the river/a chair out of a room背小孩过河/搬椅子出屋;~sth(sb)in/out/back/away/upstairs/downstairs把某物(某人)带进/带出/带回/带开/带上楼/带下楼;〖同〗take,bring,bear;
 (2)运(传)送(hold and take(sb/sth)from one place to another)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:(telephone cables)~signals(电话线)传递讯号;(freighters)~cargo(货轮)运送货物;(flies)~disease.(苍蝇)传播疾病;(trains)~goods to the port(火车)把货物运到港口;(pipes)~oil across the desert(管子)把油输送过沙漠;(veins)~blood to the heart(血管)把血液送到心脏;(wind)~seeds for long distance(风)把种子吹到很远的地方;(wires)~sound very far(电线)把声音传得很远;〖同〗move, transport,convey;
 (3)(随身)带着(keepwearor hold with one)[T+n]:~a gun带着枪;~an umbrella/one's passport/some money with one身边带着伞/护照/钱;
 (4)怀孕(be pregnant with)[尤用于progT+nI](fml):The woman is~ing again/twins.那妇女又怀孕了/怀着双胞胎。
 (5)支撑(support the weight of sth without moving)[T+n]:(walls)~the weight of the roof (墙)支撑着屋顶的重量;(columns)~the whole building(圆柱子)支撑着整个建筑;(pillars)~the whole roof (柱子)支撑着整个屋顶; (piers)~an arch(墩柱)支撑着拱门;The road/bridge~ies a lot of traffic.这路/桥承载着大量过往车辆。〖同〗support,bear;
 (6)内含(contain)[T+n]:His voice~ies the ring of authority/a serious warning of future trouble.他的话音中透着权威的口吻/郑重告戒人们会有危险。
 (7)必然导致(havelead to(a certain result))[T+n]:Power/The position~ies great(heavy) responsibility.权利/这职位本身就意味着巨大(重大)的责任。Such a crime~ies a serious punishment/severe penalty.这种罪行必然受到严肃处罚/严厉惩处。
 (8)使达到(take sth to a specified point or in a specified direction)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:(ability)~sb to the top of his profession (能力)使某人达到事业的顶峰;They~ied the thing too far and it became a tragedy.他们把事情做得太绝了,结果乐极生悲。
 (9)(加法)进位(add (a number) to the next upright row on the left when doing addition)[T+nI]:Write 4 and carry 1.写4进1。
 (10) 1)(以多数票)通过(approve (a billmotionetc) by a majority of votes)[T+n,尤pass]:The motion is~ied.这动议投票通过了。~a motion by a show of hands举手通过动议;The motion is~ied by a wide margin.这一动议以悬殊的票数得以通过。The bill/resolution/law was~ied by 300(votes) to 200 (a majority of 100).议案/决议/法令以300票对200票(超过对方100票)获得通过。2)赢得(多数票)(win a majority of the votes in)[T+n]:The president~ied 46 states.总统赢得了46个州的选票。The bill~ied the state legislature.这项议案赢得了州立法机构的通过。
 (11)赢得(同情,支持,同意)(with or gain the sympathysupport or agreement of)[T+n,尤pass]:He/His speech~ied the audience with him.他/他的讲话赢得了听众。
 (12)举止(hold oneself in a certain way)[T+n(oneself),不用pass]:She~ies herself well/nicely/gracefully/with decorum/badly/like a soldier.她举止文雅/优雅/优雅/高雅/不端/像个军人。~one's head high高昂着头;
 (13)传播,射(……远)(go from one place to another)[II+prep]:The gun/rifle/shot/arrow will~(for)300 metres.这炮/枪/子弹/箭可射300米。The guns couldn't~as far as the enemy positions.这些枪的射程达不到敌人的阵地。His voice ~ied to the back/every corner of the hall.他的嗓音传到礼堂的后头/每一个角落。His voice~ies well.他嗓音洪亮。Sound~ies better over water.声音在水面上传得远。
 (14)刊登;播送((of newspapersbroadcastetc)contain;mention)[T+n]:All the newspapers~the report/the article(on the front page).所有的报纸都(在头版)刊登了那篇报告/文章。All the major networks~ied the speech.各大通讯网络都播送了这个讲话。〖同〗publish,broadcast;
 (15)有……出售,备有现货((of a shop)keep(sth) in stock or sell)[T+n]:The shop~ied stationery supplies/cigarettes/a variety of clothes/a small stock of food.这商店备有文具/香烟/各式服装/少量食品出售。Drugstores~a great variety of products.药店兼售品种繁多的产品。〖同〗supply,stock;
 carry off (v adv) 1)赢得,夺走(vt):~off all/most of the prizes in the competition夺得比赛全部/多数奖项;2)成功地处理(vt):It was a difficult moment,but he~ied it off well.当时处境很难,但他顺利地应付过去了。
 carry on 1)继续(vt & vi):He still~ied on in spite of the noise.尽管一片嘈杂,他还继续着。~on (with) one's work/a job/a conversation/a discussion继续工作/干活/谈话/讨论;~on working/building a house继续工作/盖房子;2)从事,经营(vt):~on the business of a bookseller经营卖书生意;
 carry out 执行,贯彻(vt):~out the work/the task/the plan/the scheme完成工作/任务/计划/方案;~out the order/the instruction执行命令/指令;~out the promise/the duties履行诺言/职责;~out the threat进行威胁;
 →′carrier n 客(货)运商;带菌者;信差;′carriage n马车;(火车)客车厢;运货(费);
 n(1)运送,携带(act of carrying sb/sth)[Ua~]:give a baby a~抱一程婴儿;
 (2)射程(range of a gun)[Ua~]:The rifle has plenty of~/a~of 400 metres.这枪射程很远/能射400米。
 【辨异】 1)carrybearcart当“运送”讲时的区别见 BEAR; 2)carrybringtake fetch的区别见 BRING; 3)carryconveytransport都表示把什么东西从一处送到另一处。carry 指用人力或车辆送;convey(运送,运输)语体色彩较正式,指用工具运,但不指明具体方法,如:convey wheat to market(把麦子送到市场);transport(运输)专指(用车或船)运货物,如:transport coal to cities(把煤运到城市);还有transmit(传递)指传送信息,如:transmit a telegram(传递电报)。





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