分析词义: "Denounce" 是一个动词,主要有两种含义:一是公开指责或者批评,二是公开宣布某事物是错误的或有害的。例如,你可以 denounce 一个政策,表示你公开反对它;你也可以 denounce 一个人,表示你公开批评他。 列举例句: - The politician was quick to denounce the corruption within his party.(政客很快公开谴责了他的党内的腐败行为。)
- She denounced his methods as morally wrong.(她谴责他的手法在道义上是错误的。)
- The teacher denounced the student's behavior in front of the class.(老师在班前谴责了学生的行为。)
词根分析: "Denounce" 来自拉丁词 "denuntiare",其中 "de-" 的意思是 "down","nuntiare" 的意思是 "announce"。所以 "denounce" 的直译应该是 "announce down",即公开批评。 词缀分析: 在 "denounce" 这个单词中,"de-" 是前缀,表示 "down","-nounce" 是词根,来源于"nuntiare",意为 "announce"。其他含有 "-nounce" 词根的单词有 "pronounce"(发音),"announce"(宣告)等。 发展历史和文化背景: "Denounce" 的使用可以追溯到14世纪,它的主要用途在于公众场合的批评或谴责。在欧美文化中,"denounce" 常用于揭发不良行为或错误观念,并在政治、社会以及道德议题中发挥重要作用。 单词变形: "Denounce" 作为动词,其过去式和过去分词变形为 "denounced",现在进行时为 "denouncing",第三人称单数形式为 "denounces"。相应的名词形式是 "denouncement" 或 "denunciation",这两个词都指公开的批评或谴责。 记忆辅助: 可以通过联想记忆。比如 "de-" 可以代表 "down","nounce" 像是 "announce",合在一起就是 "公开指责",或者 "公开声称...是错误的"。 小故事: Jerry, a brave young man, stood up in the town meeting to denounce the unfair taxation imposed by the mayor. His words sparked a lively discussion among the townsfolk.(杰瑞,一个勇敢的年轻人,在镇上的会议中站起来谴责市长施加的不公平税收。他的话引发了镇民之间的热烈讨论。) |