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单词 capital
capital/′kæpɪtl/ n & adj

n(1)首都(府),省会(town or city that is the centre of a statenational government or province)[C]:Paris is the~of France.巴黎是法国的首都。Each state of the United States has a~.美国每个州都有一个首府。the~city首都;〖同〗centre;

(2)大写字母(letter used to begin a proper name or a sentence)[C](= capital letter):write one's name in~s 姓名用大写;start every sentence with a~每个句子开头要大写;

(3)资本,资产(wealth or property in the form of buildingsmachinesetc that is used to produce more wealth)[C]:constant/variable/current/working~不变/可变/流动/周转资本;fixed/circulating~固定/流动资产;~gain/assets /transfer/levy资本收益/资产/资产转移/资产税;~goods生产资料;~sum一次性支付金额;~expenditure 基本建设费用;

(4)资金(sum of money for carrying on a businessinvestmentetc)[Ua~]:The Smith Company has a~of 30,000.史密斯公司有资金三万美元。set up/start a business with a starting~of £10,000 以一万英镑为启动资金开办一商号;need plenty of~to start a new business开办一商号需要大量资金;

(5)(一笔)钱 ((a sum of) money)[Ua~](infml):After 10 years he had a~of £200,000.10年后他总共有了20万英镑。

make capital(out)of sth利用 (derog):He made~out of his ex-friend's difficult situation. 他利用以前朋友的困难处境。

→′capitalism n 资本主义;′capitalist n 资本家;adj 资本主义的;′capitalize,-ise v 提供资金;用大写字母写;

adj(1)大写的((of letters) having the form and size used to begin a proper name or a sentence):Paris is spelt with a~“P”. Paris的p要大写。write sth in~letters用大写字母写……;

(2)极好的(excellent;very good)(BrE,现少用):That's~!太棒了!a~fellow一个很不错的人;It was a/What a~idea.这是个非常好/多好的主意。〖同〗excellent,great,fine;〖反〗bad,poor,awful;

(3)很严重的(very serious):He made a~error.他犯了一个很严重的错误。〖同〗serious;〖反〗slight;

(4)可处死刑的(involving punishment by death):There is no~punishment in Italy.意大利没有死刑。a~crime/offence死罪;

(5)基本的,很重要的(first and foremost;highly important)





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