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单词 wreck
释义 wreck /rek; rek/ n 1 [U] ruin or destruction, esp of a ship by storms: 破坏; 毁灭; (尤指船遭受暴风雨袭击所造成的)船难; 失事; 遭难:save a ship from ~; 督救遇难船只; (fig) (喻) the ~ of one's hopes/ plans; 希望(计划) 的破灭; [C] instance of this: 破灭等的黄例; 失事; 船难 The storm caused ~s all along the coast. 那次暴风雨沿海岸造成了许多船难。 2 [C] ship that has suffered ~⑴:遭遇暴风雨而失奋的船; 通难船: Robinson Crusoe obtained food and supplies from the ~. 鲁宾逊克鲁梭从遇难的船上获得了食物及其他物品。 3 [C] vehicle, building, etc that has been badly damaged or f alien into ruin; person whose health has been destroyed: 遭受严重破坏或完全毁坏的车辆,建筑物等; 残骸; 废墟; 健康受到损坏的人: The car was a worthless ~ after the collision. 撞车以后,那部车成为无价值的残骸了。 He is a mere ~ of his former self. 他已经形销骨立。 If these anxieties continue she will become a nervous ~. 如果她继续为这些事焦虑下去,她的神经就会崩溃了。 vt [VP6A] cause the ~ of: 使破坏; 使毁灭; 使失事: The ship/train was ~ed. 那只船(那列火车)失事了。 —age /'rekid3; 'reki6z/ n [U] ~ed material, fragments: 残骸; 残余物; 碎片: The ~ age of the aircraft was scattered over a wide area. 那架飞机的度骸散布在一片广大的区域。 ~er n 1 person employed to recover a ~ed ship or its contents. 营救难船或其装载的货物、乘客等的人; 救助难船者。 2 (US) person employed to demolish old buildings. (美)疏除旧建筑者。 housebreaker at house'(7). 3 (hist) person who tried from the shore to. bring about shipwreck (eg by showing false lights) in order to plunder the cargo, etc. (史)在岸上诱使船只失事而加以劫掠的人; 为劫掠而诱使船只失事者。




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