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单词 phr long
phrase long 增补词块
as long as 长达;与…一样久;只要
for long 长久
in the long run 最后结果,从长远来看
long after 在后很久
long ago 很久以前
long before 早在…之前,很久以前,好久以前
no longer 不再
not any longer 不再
not long ago 不久以前
so long as 长达…之久,只要,在…时候


as long as
Hope you don't have to wait as long as we did.希望你不用像我们一样等那么久。 For as long as I can remember, any time I called, my mother would answer. 从我记事起 只要我打电话 母亲就会接听 But no other known fish can be out of water as long as the Mangrove Rivulus and remain active, according to Patricia Wright, a biologist at Canada’s University of Guelph. 但据加拿大圭尔夫大学生物学家帕特里夏-赖特(Patricia Wright)说,没有其他已知鱼类能像红树林鲤鱼那样长时间离开水而保持活跃。 Her gaze returns: she looks at it for twice as long as she did at the previous card. 她的目光又回到了这张牌上:她看这张牌的时间是看上一张牌的两倍。 As long as biomass (生物量) is produced continuously —with only as much grown as is used—the “battery” lasts forever. 只要生物量(biomass)不断产生--用多少长多少--"电池 "就会永远持续下去。 I decided to play with him with only one toy for as long as it would keep his interest. 我决定只和他玩一个玩具,只要能保持他的兴趣就行。 Magic shows are entertaining as long as the audience does not discover how the tricks are done. 只要观众不知道魔术是如何变出来的,魔术表演就是一种娱乐。 Homes today could be built to last just as long as those old homes if people were willing or able to pay the price. 如果人们愿意或有能力付出代价,今天的房屋可以建造得和那些老房子一样经久耐用。 Facts have shown that the Americas were populated as long as 33,000 years ago. 事实表明,美洲早在 3.3 万年前就有人居住。 It doesn’t matter as long as I can live with my family and we are safe. 只要我能和家人住在一起,只要我们安全,这并不重要。 This will continue as long as we use these things to make other things. 只要我们用这些东西制造其他东西,这种情况就会继续下去。 For as long as I can remember, he had a weak heart. 从我记事起,他就心脏不好。 As long as you have direct control over your goal, you have a much higher chance of success. 只要你能直接控制你的目标,你就有更大的成功机会。 Some scientists even say we can live as long as 130 years! 有些科学家甚至说,我们可以活到 130 岁! Some argue that humans and machines can coexist as long as they work in teams—yet that is not possible unless machines share the goals of humans. 有人认为,只要团队合作,人类和机器就可以共存--然而这是不可能的,除非机器和人类有共同的目标。 In the afternoon, I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a hose ride, and he said yes, as long as my dad went with me. 下午,我问保罗叔叔我能不能坐软管车,他说可以,只要爸爸和我一起去。
for long
She did not hesitate for long:她没有犹豫太久: In countries like Tanzania, Mozambique, and the Gambia, no family, village, hospital, or workplace can remain unaffected for long. 在坦桑尼亚、莫桑比克和冈比亚等国家,没有一个家庭、村庄、医院或工作场所能长时间不受影响。 Unable to speak, animals cannot keep their knowledge of things for long. 动物不能说话,它们对事物的了解也不可能长久。
in the long run
Secondly,cutting large sections of rainforests may provide a good supply of wood right now,but in the long run it actually reduces the world’s wood supply.其次,砍伐大片雨林可能会在当前提供大量木材,但从长远来看,这实际上会减少世界的木材供应。 However, in the long run what is really effective would be the sharing of knowledge. 然而,从长远来看,知识共享才是真正有效的。 In the long run, these new goals could become a habit. 从长远来看,这些新目标可能会成为一种习惯。
long after
However, that was long after those childhood days.然而,这已经是童年时代很久以后的事情了。 Not long after, a man in my neighbourhood passed by. 没过多久,我家附近的一个人路过。 So they keep eating long after the French would have stopped. 因此,在法国人停止进食很久之后,他们还在继续进食。
long ago
The caves probably formed when tube-shaped lave flows(管状岩浆流) spread across the planet long ago.这些洞穴可能是很久以前管状岩浆流遍布地球时形成的。 If you had lived long ago, you would have heard many different stories about the dangerous wolf (狼). 如果你生活在很久以前,你一定听说过很多关于危险的狼的故事。 It is said that long long ago in Europe when people met, they showed their unarmed hands to each other as a sign of goodwill. 据说很久很久以前,在欧洲,人们见面时会互相伸出没有武器的手,以示友好。
long before
It was not long before the train was across the Causeway and in Malaysia.没过多久,火车就驶过了堤道,来到了马来西亚。 Long before we are near enough to talk to someone, their appearance tells their gender, age, economic class, and often even intentions. 早在我们还没走近与某人交谈时,对方的外表就能告诉我们他的性别、年龄、经济阶层,甚至往往还能告诉我们他的意图。 But the new discoveries show that Chinese silk was apparently present in the West long before the Han emperor started organized trade over the Silk Road. 但新的发现表明,早在汉朝皇帝开始组织丝绸之路贸易之前,中国的丝绸显然已经出现在西方。 Your Highness is forgettable and it likely won’t take long before it is forgotten. 殿下 "很容易被人遗忘,而且很可能过不了多久就会被人遗忘。
no longer
By that time, the panda no longer needed its mother for food.那时,熊猫已经不再需要母亲提供食物了。 They no longer paid attention to the bird and never learned what it was doing. 它们不再关注鸟儿,也不知道鸟儿在做什么。 Have you any books that you no longer want? 你有不再想要的书吗? He felt sure he was no longer trusted and decided to change his job. 他觉得自己不再被信任,于是决定换工作。 A person's age no longer tells you anything about his / her social position, marriage or health. 一个人的年龄不再能说明他/她的社会地位、婚姻或健康状况。 No longer will the public accept the old attitude of “Buy it, use it, throw it away, and forget it.” 公众再也不会接受 "买了就用,用了就扔,扔了就忘 "的旧观念了。
not any longer
Eventually I couldn't hold her any longer.最终,我再也抱不动她了。 We feel that we cannot wait any longer. 我们觉得不能再等了。 But then I guess I couldn’t stand it any longer: 但后来我想我再也无法忍受了: I wasn’t alone any longer. 我不再是一个人了
not long ago
Not long ago, the information Highway was a new road, with not many users.不久前,信息高速公路还是一条新路,使用者并不多。 Not long ago, my wife, PJ, and I tried a new diet—not to lose a little weight but to answer an annoying question about climate change. 不久前,我的妻子 PJ 和我尝试了一种新的减肥方法--不是为了减肥,而是为了回答一个关于气候变化的恼人问题。
so long as
You may use the room as you like so long as you clean it up afterwards.你们可以随意使用房间,只要事后打扫干净。




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