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单词 worst
释义 worst /w3: st; wast/ adj (independent superlative; 独立最高级; 8 bad, worse): the ~ storm for five years; 五年来最猛烈的暴风雨; the ~ dinner I've ever eaten; 我所吃过的最恶劣的正餐; the ~ ( = most intense) frost this winter. 今年冬天最严烈的霜寒。 adv (independent superlative; 独立最蒿级; badly, worse) most badly: 最坏地; 最差地: Tom played badly, Harry played worse and I played ~ .汤姆玩得不好,哈利玩得更坏,而我玩得最差。口 ~ part, state, event, etc: 最坏的部分,状态,事件等: You must be prepared for the ~ ,the ~ possible news, outcome, etc. 你必须为最坏的情况作准备(或你必须作最坏的打算),。 The ~ of the storm is over. 暴风雨最猛烈的时候已经过去了。 She keeps cheerful, even when things are at their ~. 即使是事情最糟的时候,她也能保持愉快的心情。” the | ~ comes to the ' ~ ,If the ~ happens. 如果最坏的事发生。 get the ~ of it (in a fight etc), be defeated. (在打斗等中)被打败; 败北。 The ~ of it is that..., The most unfortunate part of the affair is that.... 最梭的是; 最不幸的是…。 at (the) ~ ,if the ~ happens. 在最琼(最不利)的情况下。 do your ~ /St him do his ~ ,used as expressions of defiance. 你有什么狠处尽管使出来吧(他有什么狠处让他尽管使出来吧)(用作挑战语)。 vt [VP6A] defeat; get the better of: 打败; 击败; 胜过: He ~ed his enemy. 他打败了他的敌人。




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