哥ɡē ❶ (哥哥) elder brother: 大 ~ the eldest of one's brothers ❷ (称呼年纪跟自己差不多的男人) a friendly term of address for male older acquaintances: 李二 ~ Brother Li'er ◆哥白林挂毯 gobelin;Gobelin tapestry; 哥白尼 Copernicus; 哥磅 libra; 哥本哈根 Copenhagen; 哥瓷 porcelain with crackled glaze (made in Song Dynasty); 哥达纲领 Gotha Programm (1875);哥德巴赫猜想 {数} Goldbach conjecture; 哥儿 brothers;boys; 哥儿们 [口] brothers;buddies;pals; 哥哥 (elder) brother; 哥拉弓琴 gora;gorah; 哥老会 society of brothers; 哥伦比亚 Colombia; 哥伦比亚特区District of Columbia; 哥伦布 Columbus; 哥萨克 Cossack; 哥斯达黎加 Costa Rica; 哥特[德]式 {建} Gothic;gothic; 哥特[德]体 {刷} Gothic;gothic |