单词 | wild |
释义 | wild /waild; waild/ adj (-er, -est) 1 → the illus at cat, large, small. 参看 cat, large, small 之插图。 (of animals) not tamed or domesticated; living in natural conditions (eg lions, giraffes, wolves); (of plants) growing in natural conditions; not cultivated: (指动物) 野的; 野性的; 野居的 (如狮,长颈鹿,狼); (指植物) 野生的; 非栽植的: ~ flowers; 野花; a reserve for the preservation of ~ life, area where ~ animals, birds, etc are protected and helped to survive; 野生动物保区; (attrib) : (形容用法): a ~-life sanctuary. 野生动植物保护区。 '~ cat attrib adj reckless, unsound, impracticable: 莽撞的; 不健全的; 不能实行的: ~ cat schemes, esp in finance and commerce; (尤指在财政及商务方面) 不能实行的计划; a ~ cat strike, un- official and irresponsible strike (by workers). 未经工会允许的不负责任的罢工。 '~fowl n (esp) birds ordinarily shot or hunted as game, eg ~ ducks and geese, quail, pheasants. (尤指) 猎鸟 (如野鸭,雁,鹑,雉) 。 i ~-'goose chase, foolishly useless enterprise. 荒让无益的行事; 徒劳无益的追求。 sow one's ~ oats, 0 oat (1 2 (of horses, game birds, etc) easily startled; hard to get near: (指马,猎鸟等) 容易受惊的; 怕人的; 不易接近的: The deer/pheas-ants are rather ~,鹿 (雉) 很容易受惊。 3 (of persons, tribes, etc) uncivilized; savage. (指人,部族等) 未开化的; 野蛮的。 4 (of scenery, areas of land, etc) desolate; waste; unsettled: (指景色,地区等) 荒凉的; 荒藻的; 无人居住的: ~ scenery; 荒凉的景色; ~, mountainous areas. 荒燕的山区。 5 violent; uncontrolled; stormy: 猛烈的; 狂暴的; 暴风雨的: You'd better stay indoors on a ~ night like this. 像这样暴风雨的夜晚,你还是待在家里的好。 What ~ weather weVe having! 我们遇着多么恶劣的天气! 6 excited; passionate; distracted: 激动的; 激昂的; 狂乱的: There were sounds of ~ laughter. 有狂笑的声音。 He was ~ with anger. 他狂怒。 It made her ~ (= filled her with anger) to see such cruelty. 看萄这样残酷的行为,令她极为愤怒。 The anxiety drove then, almost ~, mad, 焦虑逼得他们几乎发狂了。 7 be ~ about sth/ sb, (colloq) have a strong desire for; be madly enthusiastic about: (U)对某事物 (某人) 极为狂热; 极想做某事; 热中于 ~ about strawberries/ Prince Charles. 极想吃草莓 (极崇拜查理王子) 。 8 disorderly; out of control: 紊乱的; 无秩序的; 失去控制的: a state oconfusion; 混乱的状态; a room in ~ disorder; 极为紊览的房间; settle down after a ~ youth. 在一段放荡的青年时期以后安定下来。 run ~, be without check, restraint or training: 放肆; 放藩; 失教养: They allow their children to run ~, allow them to amuse themselves in any way they like, with no control of any kind. 他们听孩子们冶游放荡。 '~fire n [U] (chiefly in) (主要用于) spread like ~ fire, (of reports, rumours, etc) very fast. (指传闻,谣言等) 迅速地传播。 9 reck-less; done or said without reflection or consideration: 胡乱的; 卤莽的; 轻率的; 未加考虑而做或说出的: a ~ guess/scheme; 胡乱的猜测 (轻率的计划); ~ shooting, without taking aim. 乱射。 10 (of a playing-card) having any value (as eg a joker) : (指纸牌) 百搭的 (如 joker): a ' ~ card. 一张百搭牌。 adv in a ~ manner: 胡乱地; 卤莽地; 轻率地: shoot ~. 乱射。 ” 〃/ the ~s, uncultivated (and often uninhabited) areas: 荒地; 未开发地区: the ~s of Africa; 非洲商荒野; go out into the ~s. 进入亲开发地区。 ~ly adv in a ~ manner: 狂野地; 激动地; 紊乱地; 卤莽地; 轻率地: rush about ~ly; 横冲直闻; talk ~ (y, eg in an exaggerated way; 胡扯; 瞎吹; a Ty exaggerated account. 极度夸张的敏述。 ~-ness n |
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