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单词 hush
释义 hush /hAj; hA vt, vi [VP2A, 15A, B] make or become silent or quiet: 使肃器; 使安静; 变为安静: H~! Be silent! 肃静! She ~ed the baby to sleep. 她使婴儿安静入睡。 ~ sth up. prevent it from becoming public knowledge: 秘府不宣: She tried unsuccessfully to ~ up the fact that her husband was an ex-convict. 她企图隐瞒她丈夫以前犯过案的事实,但未成功。 n a/the ~, silence; stillness: M静;安静: in the - of night. 在夜的寂料中。 There was a sudden ~. 突然点静下来。 ' ~- money n money paid to ~ sth up (usu sth scandalous or discreditable). (为防止某人泄露丑闻或不名誉之事等而予以贿赂之) 缄口钱; 遮羞费。,~ -' ~ a# (colloq) (to be) kept very secret: (俗) 极秘密的; 需要高度保密的: a ~- ~ affair. 极秘密的事。




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