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单词 教子有方

教子有方jiào zǐ yǒu fāng

educate (/bring up)one’s sons in the right way (/with the proper method)
❍ 别门不知,只说这宁荣两宅,是最~,何至如此?(《红楼梦》18)❶I can’t vouch for our other branches,but I’ve always heard that these two houses take great pains over the education of their sons.
❷I say nothing of other families,but the Jias of the Ning and Rong households used to be famous for the way in which they brought up their sons. How could they come to be as you describe?

教子有方jiào zǐ yǒu fānɡ

形容教育孩子的方法得当。bring up one’s children properly, educate one’s children in the right way





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更新时间:2025/3/3 20:35:17