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单词 visit
释义 visit /'vizit; 'vizit/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] go to see (sb); go to (a place) for a time: 糸问; 拜访 (某人); 游览; 参观 (某地): ~ a friend; 访友; ~ Rome. 游罗马。 His rich relatives seldom ~ him. 他那些有钱的亲戚很少去拜访他。 [VP2C] (US) stay: (美) 停留; 下榻: ~ing in Paris; 在巴黎停留; ~ing at a new hotel. 咨一家新旅馆下榻。 2 [VP6A] (chiefly US) go to in order to inspect or examine officially: (主美) 正式的视察或检査: Restaurant and hotel kitchens are ~ed .regularly by public health inspectors. 餐馆及旅馆的厨房定期由公共卫生官员检査。 3 [VP3A] (chiefly US) (主美) ~ with, pay a ~ to; talk with: 过访; 与…靛话: She loves ~ing with he, neighbours and Having a good gossip. 她喜欢去隣居家开心地闲话家常。 4 [VP14] ~ sth on sb, (biblical use) punish. (圣赢用语) 惩罚。 ~ the sins of the fathers upon the children, make the children suffer for their parent's failings. 使儿子因父亲的罪孽而受惩罚。 act of ~ing; time of ~ing: 访问; 游览; 访问或游览的时间: pay a ~ to a friend/a pa-tient/a prospective customer; 访友 (探望病人,话问可望成为顾客者); go on a ~ to the seaside-, 去海滨游玩; a ~ of several hours; 一次数小时的访问; during her first ~ to her husband's parents. 在她第一一次探望其翁姑的时候。 ~ing n [U] paying ~s; making calls (on people): 访问; 访晤 (人): ,ing hours at a hospital; 宙院里的探为时间; We are not on ~ irig terms, not sufficiently well acquainted to ~ one another. 我们尙不熟悉,彼此无往来。 visitor /'vtzi-ts (r); Wizit。/ n person who ~s; person who stays at a place: 访问者; 参观者; 宾客: summer ~ ors, eg at a holiday resort; 夏季的游客 (如在度假胜地者); the ~。 rs' book, one in which ~ ors sign their names, eg at a hotel or a place of public interest. 来宾签名簿; 旅客或游客登记簿。




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