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单词 vestige
释义 vestige /'vestidz; 'vestids/ n [C] 1 trace or sign; small remaining bit of evidence of what once existed: 痕迹; 形迹; 遗迹: Not a ~ of the abbey remains. 那修道院的遗迹荡然无存了。 There is not a ~ of truth in the report. 这项报导没有一点真实性。 2 (anat) organ, or part of one, which is a survival of sth that once existed: (解剖) 退化器官; 已退化器官的遗迹: A human being has the ~ of a tail. 人类仍寿尾巴的痕迹。 vestigial /ve-'8ti6zis1; ves'tidjisl/ adj remaining as a ~. 尙留有痕迹的; 退化的。




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