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单词 V
释义 V, v /vu; vi/ n (pl Vs, v,s) 1 the 22nd letter of the English alphabet; symbol for the Roman numeral 5. 英文字母的第二十二个字母; 罗马数字的五。→ App 4. 参看附录四。 2 V-shaped thing: V形物: the V sign, sign made by the hand with the palm outwards and the first and second fingers spread to form a V (for victory). 胜利手势 (以食指和中指伸出作 V 形,表示胜利) 。 V 1, 2 /.ve'waii, 'tu: ; Ai'wAn, 'w/ flying bomb. V 1, 2型飞弹。 → doodlebug.




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