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❶ (条状物的横剖面较大) wide (in diameter);thick: ~ 竿 a thick rod;~ 绳 a thick rope;
这棵树很 ~。 This tree has a thick trunk.
❷ (长条形两长边的距离较大) wide (in breadth);thick: ~ 眉大眼 bushy eyebrows and big eyes;~ 线条 thick lines
❸ (颗粒大;粗糙) coarse;crude;rough: ~ 布 coarse cloth;~ 黑的手 rough,work-soiled hands;~ 沙 coarse sand;grit;~ 盐 crude salt
❹ (声音大而低) gruff;husky: ~ 嗓子 a husky voice;~ 声大气 a deep,gruff voice
❺ (疏忽;不周密) careless;negligent: ~ 中有细 usually careless,but quite sharp at times;crude in most matters,but subtle in some
❻ (鲁莽;粗野) rude;unrefined;vulgar: 说话很 ~ speak rudely;use coarse language Ⅱ (略微;稍微) roughly;slightly: ~ 具规模 be roughly in shape;~ 通文字 can read and write a little
◆粗暴 rude;rough;crude;brutal;violent;
粗笨 clumsy;awkward;(笨重) unwieldy;heavy;bulky;cumbersome;
粗鄙 vulgar;coarse;
粗布 crash;coarse cloth;handwoven [handloomed] cloth;homespun cloth;
粗糙 coarse;rough;crude;
粗茶淡饭 (live on) weak tea and scanty meals — a simple diet;bread and water;coarse food;(coarse) homely fare;humble fare;lead a simple life;live simply;plain food;plain tea and simple food;poor meals;simple [coarse] fare;simple food;
粗大 thick;thick and big;bulky;(声音大) loud;
粗读 rough reading;
粗犷 rough;rude;boorish;(粗豪;豪放) straightforward and uninhibited;bold and unconstrained;rugged;
粗豪 forthright;straightforward;generous but paying no attention to niceties;
粗话 vulgar language;obscence language;coarse language;
粗活 heavy manual labour;unskilled work;work which demands little brain but lots of brawn;
粗粮 coarse food grain (e.g. maize,sorghum,millet,etc. as distinct from wheat and rice);
粗劣 of poor quality;cheap;shoddy;
粗陋 coarse and crude;rash;
粗鲁 rough;rude;boorish;rash;
粗略 rough;sketchy;
粗米 unpolished rice;
粗浅 superficial;shallow;coarse and shallow;basic;simple;
粗人 rough fellow;boor;unrefined person;careless person; person of little education;person of much muscle but little refinement;
粗实 solid (of furniture,box etc.);
粗率 crude and coarse;(粗心大意;草率) careless;rash;rough and careless;ill-considered;
粗俗 vulgar;coarse;
粗体字 boldface letter;boldfaced word;boldfaced character;
粗调 coarse [flat] tuning;(粗调整;粗调节) coarse control [adjustment];crude regulation;rough adjustment [control];粗通 know a little about;
粗细 (degree of) thickness;(粗糙和细致的程度) crudeness or fineness;degree of finish;quality of work;
粗线条 thick lines;rough outline;(作风粗率) rough-and-ready;slapdash;straightforward;having little regard for niceties;frank but without tact;
粗心 careless;thoughtless;
粗心大意 be negligent;careless;inadvertent;scatter-brain;of rough heart and big mind;careless and heedless;remiss;thoughtless;
粗野 rough;boorish;uncouth;rustic and coarse;unpolished;unrefined;
粗枝大叶 thick branches and big leaves — crude and careless;be done in broad strokes or rough outline;have a crude and careless style of work;in a cursory fashion;in a slipshod manner;negligent in one's work;roughly finished;sketchy;slapdash;sloppy;
粗制 roughcast;roughhew;rough out;
粗制滥造 crudely made;turn out [produce] rough and slipshod [poor and shoddy] work [products];fudge sth.;manufacture in a rough and slipshod way;poorly and hastily manufactured;rough and slipshod methods of manufacture;turn out in large quantity without any regard for quality;
粗重 (of voice,etc.) loud and jarring;rough;harsh;gruff;(物体笨重) big and heavy;bulky;(粗而浓) thick and heavy;(繁重费力) strenuous;heavy;
粗壮 sturdy;thickset;brawny;stout;muscular;robust;(粗大而结实) thick and strong;(声音大) deep and resonant;
粗拙 crude;coarse





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