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单词 tune
释义 tune /tju: n US: tirn; tjun/ n 1 [C] succession of notes forming a melody (of a song, hymn, etc): (歌, 赞美诗等的) 曲; 调子: whistle a popular 以口哨吹流行的曲子; ~s that are easy to remember. 容易记忆的曲子。 2 [U] quality of having a well-marked melody: 具有某一显明旋律的性质: Some of this modern music has very little ~ in it. 这种现代音乐有的旋律不太明显。 3 jU] in/out of ~, at/not at the correct pitch: 音高正确 (不正确); 和调 (不和调): sing/play in 唱 (奏) 得合调。 The piano is out of ~. 这钢琴音调不正确。 The piano and the violin are not in ~. 这钢琴和小提每的调子不谐和。 4 [U] (fig) harmony; harmonious adjustment: (喻) 和合; 调和; 谐和; 协调: be in/out of ~ with one's surroundings/companions. 与环境 (友伴) 协调 (不协调) 。 5 (fig uses) (比喻用法) change one's ~; sing another ~, change one's way of speaking, behaviour, etc, or one's attitude to others (eg from insolence to respect). 改变一己的论调、行为等,或改变对人的态度 (如前倨后恭) 。 to the ~ of, (colloq) to-the amount of (usu with the suggestion that the sum is high or exorbitant) : (俗) 总数高达 (通常含示总额甚大或过度): He was fined (eg for a motoring offence) to the ~ of £30. 他被罚款 (例如驾车违警) 高达三十镑。 W, vi 1 [VP6A] adjust the strings, etc (of a musical instrument) to the right pitch: 调整 (乐器) 的弦等使合调; 调准: ~ a guitar. 调整吉他弦。 [VP2C] ~ up, (eg of a player or players in an orchestra) ~ a musical instrument: (如指管弦乐队的演奏者) 调整乐器; 调弦; 调音: The orchestra were tuning up when we entered the concert-hall. 当我们进入音窠厅时, 管弦乐队正在调音。 'tuning-fork n small steel instrument, which produces a musical note of fixed pitch when struck. 音叉。 2 [VP2C] ~ in (to), a adjust the controls of a radio to a particular frequency/station: 调整收音机至某一频率或电台; 校准频率或波长; 投收; 收听: ~ in to the BBC World Service. 收听英国广播公司对全球的播音。 You're not properly ~d in. 你没有把收音机校准。 b (fig) be aware of what other people are saying, feeling, etc: (喻) 知道或发觉到他人所说的话或表现的情绪等: He's not very well ~d in to his surroundings. 他不太了解他周遭的环境。 3 [VP6A] adjust or adapt the engine of a motor-vehicle so that it gives its best, or a special, performance. 调整汽车等的引擎使发生裁佳或特定效能。 ~r n 1 (in compounds) person who ~s musics! instruments: (用于复合字中) 调整乐器音调的人; 调音师: a 'piano-tuner. 钻琴调音师。 2 part of a radio etc which receives the signals. (收音机等的) 调谐器。 → amplifier at amplify, loud-speaker at loud (1). ~ /-fl; -ful/ adj having a pleasing melodious. 有悦耳音调的; 谐美的。~如坪 /-fall; -full/ adj ~fubness n




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