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单词 trouble
释义 trouble /'trAbl; 'trAbl/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] cause worry, discomfort, anxiety or inconvenience to: 使忧虑,不适,苦恼或不方便: be ~d by bad news; 为坏消息烦恼; ~d with a nasty cough. 为顽咳所苦。 What ~s me is that... 使我苦恼的是…。 2 [VP17, 14] ~ sb to do sth; ~ sb for sth, put sb to the inconvenience of doing sth. 麻烦女人做某事。 a (with may/might, a polite request): (与 may, might 连用,表示客气的请求): May I ~ you to pass the salt, please. 麻烦您把盐递给我好嘱? May I ~ you for a match? 请给我二支火柴好吗? b (with I'll, / must, a sarcastic or ironic request): (与 I II. I must 连用,表示讽刺性质的请求): I'll ~ you to be quiet. 拜托拜托,安静一点。 I must ~ you to remember your manners. 我必须请你规矩一点。 3 [VP2A, C, 4A] (esp in neg and interr) bother or inconvenience oneself: (尤用于否定句及问句中) 麻烦自己; 费神; 费心: Don't ~ to meet me at the station. 不必劳,南来车站接我了。 Don't ~ about that. 不必为那事烦心。 Oh, don't ~, thanks. 啊,不要麻烦了,谢谢。所, should I ~ to explain? 我为什么要费事解释呢? 4 [VP6A] agitate; disturb: 激动; 扰乱: (esp pp) (尤用过去分词) a ~d expression; 忧虑的表情; ~d looks. 苦恼的表情。 fish in ~d waters, try to gain an advantage from a confused state of affairs, 混水摸鱼。 n 1 [C, U] worry; anxiety; discomfort; unhappiness; difficulty; possible punishment: 忧虑; 苦恼; 不适; 不幸; 困难; 可能的处罚: Her heart was full of 她两心充满了烦恼。 She's always making ~ for her friends. 她总是给她的朋友们带来麻烦。 He has been through much ~ /has had many ~s. 他已度过许多困难(已遭遇到许多困难)。 He has a lot of family/ domestic ~(s). 他有许多家务上的麻烦。 His ~ are over now (sometimes said of a person who dies). 他的烦恼算过去了(有时用以指死去的人)。 The ~ is that..., The difficulty is that.... 困难的是…。 What's the ~ now? What unfortunate thing has happened? (现在)发生了什么不幸事件? in suffering, or likely to suffer, misfortune, anxiety, etc, eg because one has done wrong. 处于不幸,烦恼等苦境中(如因做错某事)。 ask/'look for ~, (colloq) behave in such a way that ~ is likely: (俗)自寻烦恼; 自找苦吃; 自找麻烦: H's asking for -to experiment with drugs. 随便试用药品乃是自找麻烦。 get into ~, do sth that will bring unhappiness, punishment, etc. 陷入困境; 因做某事而将招致不幸,处知等。 get sb into ~, a cause sb to be in ~. 使某人陷入困境。 b (sl) make (an unmarried woman) pregnant. (俚)使(未婚女子)怀孕。 2 [C] (sing only) sb or sth that causes ~ (1): (仅作单数)引起忧虑、苦恼、不适、不幸、困难等的人或事物: I don't want to be any ~ (= nuisance) to you. 我不想惹你讨厌。 Some dishes are very enjoyable to eat but a great ~ to prepare. 有些菜很好吃,但 ' 是做起来却很麻烦。 I find it a great ~ to get up at 6 am. 我觉得早上六点钟起床是一件苦事。 3 [U] care; attention; (extra) work; inconvenience: 小心; 注意; (额外的)工作; 烦劳; 不方便: Did the work give you much ~? 那工作给你添了许多麻烦吗? / don't like putting you to (- causing you) so much ~. 我不愿意为你添那么多麻烦。 Thank you for all the ~ you've taken to help my son. 多谢侏尽心帮助我儿字。 It will be no ~, will not inconvenience me. 那不费事(不会给我添麻烦)。 4 [C, U] political or social unrest: (政治或社会的)不安; 纷争; 扰乱: 'Labour ~(s) (eg strikes) cost the country enormous sums last year. 劳工纠纷(如罢工)去年也国家耗损了钜额金钱。 They've been having a lot of ~(s) in Southern Africa recently. 非洲南部最近一直扰屡不安。 5 [C, U] illness: 疾病: 'liver ~; 肝病; 'mental ~, 精神病; 'children's ~s. 儿童的疾扁。 6 (compounds) (复合字), ~-maker, person who stirs up discontent (eg in industry). 是非人物; 挑拨是非者; 鼓动不满情緖者(例如在工业上)。 ~- shooter person employed in conciliating and arbitrating between parties in conflict (eg in industry), or in detecting and correcting faults (esp in machinery). 调解人; 调停人(如工业上的); (机器的) 修理人或矫正人。 ~ some /-sam; -sam/ adj causing ~: 使人苦恼或烦劳的; 困难的; 麻烦的: a ~ some child/headache/problem. 使人苦恼的孩子(头痛,问题)。 Her cough is very ~ some today. 她今天咳嗽得很厉害。' ~ spot, place where ~ (4) often occurs. 常发生纷争的地方; 是非之地。




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