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单词 transparent
释义 transparent /traens'paerant; trans'perant/ adj 1 allowing light to pass through so that objects (or at least their outlines) behind can be distinctly seen: 透明的: ~ window-panes; 透明的窗玻璃; ~ silk. 透明的绸子。 ttranslucent. 2 about which there can be no mistake or doubt: 显明的; 显然的; 无疑的: a ~ lie; 显明的谎话; a man of ~ honesty. 顾而易见的老实人? 3 clear; easily understood: 明晰的; 易了解的: 0 ~ xtylt of writing. 明晰的文体。 ~ly adv transparence /-rsns; -rsns/ n [U] state of being ~ .透明; 透明性; 透明度。 transpar /ency /-ransi; -ransi n (pl -cies) 1 [U] = transparence. 2 [C] diagram, picture, etc (usu in a frame) on photographic film, made visible by light behind it (so that it may be projected on to a screen). 幻灯片(其上有图表、图画等之透明软片,可放映在银幕上)。




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