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单词 tire
释义 tire2 /'taia(r); tair/ vt, vi [VP6A, 15B, 2A, 3A] ~ (sb) (out); ~ of, make or become weary, or in need of rest, or uninterested: (E)疲倦; (由)厌倦: The long walk ~d the child/ ~d him out/made him ~d. 长距离的步行使那孩子(使他) 疲倦了。 The long lecture ~d the audience. 冗长的演说使听众厌倦了。 She never ~s of talking about her clever son. 谈到她儿子的聪明伶俐,她从不会感到厌倦。白。~ of, have had enough of, be exhausted with: 对…感到厌烦; 厌倦: I'm ~d of boiled eggs, I have had too many of them, or too often, 我吃厌了煮蛋。 ~d /'taiad; taird/ adj weary in body or mind: (身体或精神)疲倦的; 疲乏的: He was a ~d man when he got back from the long climb. 长途爬山回来,他感到疲倦了。 ~d out, completely exhausted. 筋由方箱饥 ~ dness n ~ adj 1 not easily ~d: 不易疲俺的: a ~ /ess worker. 不倦的工作者。 2 ceaseless; continuing a long time: 不停的; 持续长时间的: ~less energy. 持久的精力。 ~lessdy adv ~some /-sam; -sam/ adj troublesome; tedious. 令人厌倦的; 讨人厌的。 1'r ing adj making ~d: 令人'疲倦的; 使人厌倦的: a tiring journey/argument. 令人疲倦的旅行 (令人厌倦的议论)。




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