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单词 tall
释义 tall /tai; tol/ adj (-er, -est) 1 (of persons) of more than average height; (of objects such as a ship's mast, a flagpole, a church spire, a tree whose height is greater than its width, but not of mountains) higher than the average or than surrounding objects: (指人) 高的; (指桅杆、旗杆、教堂尖塔、树等高而细之物,但不指山) 超过一般高度的; 高于周围事物的: She is ~er than her sister. 她比她姐姐 (朱蛛) 高。 She wears high heels to make herself look ~er. 她穿高跟轻使自己看起来高一些。 That yacht has a very ~ mast. 那游艇有一根非常高的桅杆。 ' ~- boy (GB; US 美 — highboy) n bedroom chest of drawers 5 or 6 ft high (英) (卧室用的) 高衣柜 (约五、六呎高) 。 2 of a specified height: 有某种 (指明的) 高度的: Tom is six foot 汤海身高六呎。 3 (colloq) excessive, exorbitant. (俗) 遍分的; 逾恒的。 a ~ order, an unreasonable request; a task difficult to perform. 过分的要求; 难完成的任务。 a ~ story, one that it is difficult to believe. 荒诞不经的故事。 ~ish l-ij ; -ij/ adj rather 颇高的; 高高的; 略高的。




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