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单词 swallow
释义 swallow2 /'swolau; 'swalo/ vt, vi [VP6A, 15B, 2C] 1 ~ (up), cause or allow to go down the throat: 呑; 咽: ~ one's food, eat it quickly; 呑咽食物 (很依地仓); work the muscles of the throat as when ~ing sth (to give relief to some kind of emotion): 舂咽般活动喉部肌肉; 忍气呑声: He ~ed hard, eg as if ~ing an insult; 他强忍下去 (如似将侮辱呑下); 3 below. 参看下列第 3 义。 2 ~ (up), take in; exhaust; cause to disappear; use up: 呑没; 耗尽; 使消失; 用罄: earnings that were ~ed up by lawyers' bills. 被律师费用耗尽的收入。 The earth seemed to ~ them up, They suddenly disappeared. 地球好像把他们呑没了 (他们突然不见了) 。 The aircraft was ~ed (up) in the clouds. 飞机没入実中。 3 (fig uses) (比喻用法) ~ an insult/ affront, accept it meekly; 忍受侮辱 (无礼); ~ sth whole, believe it without argument, doubt; 物图呑枣 (轻易相信某事物); ~ one's words, take them back, express regret for them; 取消前言; ~ a story, believe it too easily; 轻信一个萩童; ~ the bait, (of a person) accept a proposal, an offer, etc made to tempt one to do sth. 福人) 上当; 上钩。 n act of ~ing; amount ~ed at one time. 呑; 咽; 一呑之量。




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