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单词 surround
释义 surround /sa'raund; sa'raund/ vt [VP6A] be, go, all round, shut in on all sides: 包兰; 环绕: a house ~ed with trees. 四周为树木所环绕的房子。 We are ~ed with/by dangers. 我们 (现在) 的处境危机四伏。 The troops were ~ed, had enemy forces all round them. 部队被 (敌人) 包围了。 n floor between the walls and the carpet; its covering: 地毯四周与墙之间的地板; 其覆盖物: a linoleum 铺在地毯四周的油布。 ~ ing adj which is around about: 周围的; 环绕的: York and the ~ing countryside. 约克城及其近郊。 ~ ings n pl everything around and about a place; conditions that may affect a person: 周围的事物; 环境: living in pleasant ~ings. 生活于舒适的环境中。 You don't see animals in their natural ~ings at a zoo. 你在动物园里看不到生活在自然环境中的动物。




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