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单词 submerge
释义 submerge /sab'mads; sab'mds/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] put under water; cover with a liquid. 置于水中; 置于液体中; 浸于水或液体; 淹没。 2 [VP2A] sink out of sight; (of a submarine) go down under the surface. 沉没; (指潜水艇) 潜入水中; 潜航。 submerged adj under the surface of the sea, etc: 在海面等下的; 在水面下的; 被水等滝没的: ~d rocks; 暗礁; 水面下的岩石; a wreck that is ~d at high tide. 高潮时被水淹没的难船。 submergence /sab-'mxdjans; sab'ma'dsans/ submersion /sob'majn US: -zn; 8sb'ms/sn/ n [U] submerging or being ~d. (被) 浸没; (被) 没入液体中。 sub-mers-ible /sab-'mxsabl; 8sb'm38sbl/ adj capable of submerging. 有潘入水中能力福; 可潜的。




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