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louda. 1. making a great noise,noisy大声吵闹的,喧闹的。 △H.V.4.1.77(75):“Why,the enemy is loud; youhear him all night.”嘿,敌人那边大声吵闹,你整夜都能听见。 △1H.VI.2.4.3: “Within the Temple Hall we weretoo loud;”我们争吵起来声音太大,在圣殿大厅里也许有所不便。 2. clamorous,boisterous,turbulent吵闹的,吵吵嚷嚷的,骚乱的。 △H.VIII.1.2.27: “yea,such which breaksThe sides of loyalty,and almost appears / In loud re-bellion.”是的,那些话已经打破了忠心的界限,乱糟糟的简直像要造反。 3. shouted,i.e.urgent,pressing大喊大叫的:(转义)紧急的,迫切的。 △Oth.1.1. 151 (150): “With such loudreason”,为了十分紧急的缘故。 4.❶high sounding,striking the ear with great force响亮的,震耳的。 ❷noisy,boisterous 嘈杂的,喧嚣的。 △1H.VI.2.2.42:“What she may boast she hath be-held the man / Whose glory fills the world with loudreport.”这样她便可夸耀她曾见过那位荣名受到举世称赞的人(双关:那位荣名使得全世界充满隆隆炮声的人)。 loud alarum: loud noises (as of battle)大喊大叫(如打仗中的呐喊)。 △Shr.1.1.129 (126):“though it pass yourpatience and mine to endure her loud alarum.”虽然你和我都忍受不了她那种大喊大叫。 loud[laud]adj.& adv.响亮的,大声的,高音的,色彩过分鲜艳花哨的 ‖loud dot响点 loud hailer麦克风,话筒 loud pedal钢琴的增音踏板 loud reading朗读 loud sound震耳欲聋的响声 loud students of applause啧啧称赞 louden v.(使声音)变响亮 loudish adj.声音稍高的 loudly adv. 响亮地 loudmouth n.叽叽呱呱说个不停的人 loudness[ˈlaudnis]n. 响亮,响度,高声,大声 loudspeaker[ˈlaudspi:kə]n.扬声器,扩音器 loudspeaker cabinet扬声器箱 loudspeaker horn扬声器喇叭 loudspeaker monitor监听扬声器 loudspeaker team扩音器分队 loudspeaker voice coil扬声器音圈 |