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单词 study
释义 study2 /'stAdi; 'stAdi/ vt, vi (pt, pp -died) 1 [VP6A, 8, 15A, 2A, B, 4A] give time and attention to learning or discovering sth: 学习; 研究; 求学: ~ medicine. 研究医学。 He was ~ing for the medical profession/ ~ing to be a doctor. 他在读医科。 2 [VP6A] examine carefully: 仔细察看、核阅、检查等: ~ the map. 细阅地图。 3 [VP6A, 4A] give care and consideration to: 留心; 顾及; 考虑到: ~the wishes of one's friends/only one's own interests. 考虑到朋友的愿望(只顾到自己的利益)。 4 (pp) studied, intentional, deliberate: 有意的; 故意的: a studied insult. 故意的侮辱。




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