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单词 stoop
释义 stoop1 /stu: p; stup/ vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C, 4A, 6A] bend the body forwards and downwards; bend the neck so that the head is forward and down: 屈身; 胁腰; 俯首; 低头: ~ing with old age; 因年老而弯腰; ~ f。pick sth up; 俯身拾物; ~ one's head to get into a car. 俯首进入桥车。 2 [VP3A] to sth, (fig) lower oneself morally: (喻)降格; 卑屈; 堕落而做出某事: ~ to folly/cheating. 自甘堕落而做出愚蠢行为(而行诈欺)。 He's a man who would ~ to anything, who has no moral scruples. 他是一个没原则(没节操)的人。 n (usu sing) ~ing position of the body: (通常作单数)屈身 ; VlS: walk with a ~,as when very old or ill. 伤偻而行(如年老或生病时)。




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