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单词 bother
释义 bother /'boda(r); 'ba%/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14, 16A, 3A] be or cause trouble to; worry: 打京; 搅扰; 烦扰: Tell the children to stop ~ing their father. 吿诉孩子们不要再搅扰他们的父亲。 Don't ~ me with foolish questions. 不要拿傻问题来烦扰我。 That man is always ~ing me to lend him money. 那个人老是来闹着要我借钱给他。 ~ (oneself/one s head) (about), be/feel anxious about: 焦虑; 为…而操心或焦急: ft's not important; don't ~ your head about it. 这是不重要的事; 不要为此心焦。 We needn't ~ (about) when it happened. 我们不必操心那是何时发生的。 2 [VP3A, 4C, 2A] ~ (about), take trouble: 麻烦: Don't ~ about getting/ ~ to get dinner for me today; I'll eat out. 今天不要麻烦为我预备饭了; 我要在外头吃。 3 (used as an exclamation of impatience or annoyance): (用作表示不耐烦或厌恶的感叹词): Oh, ~ (心呵,真讨厌! B~ the flies! 讨厌的苍蝇! Oh, ~ you! 呵,讨厌你! n 1 [U] worry, trouble: 焦虑; 麻烦: Did you have much ~ (in) finding the house? 你是否费了很大麻烦才找到那畠子? It will be no ~ (to me), won't involve much work or inconvenience. (曲于我)它不会有什么麻烦(不会太费事或不方便)。 had quite a lot of (in) getting here because of the fog. 因为有雾,所以我们费了很大的事才找到这儿来。 Don't put yourself to any inconvenience yourself. 不要跟你自己我麻烦。 2 (with indef art) sb or sth that gives trouble: (与不定冠词连用)令人焦虑,厌烦或引起麻烦的人或事物: His lazy son is quite a ~ to him. 他那个懒惰的儿子,对他是一件, 很伤脑筋的事。 This drawer won't shut; isn't it a ~! 这个血屉关不上; 岂不讨厌! ~ation /.boda'reijn; , boSs're/sn/ int What a nuisance! 真讨厌!, ~ some /-sam; -sam/ adj causing ~; troublesome or annoying. 令人焦虑的; 麻烦的; 可厌的。




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