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单词 spectacle
释义 spectacle /'spektakl; 'spektdkl/ n [C] 1 public display, procession, etc, esp one with ceremony: 公开展示、行列等(尤指有仪式者); 观览(物); 展览(物): The ceremonial opening of Parliament was a fine ~ 英国国会的开幕式是一个很壮丽的场面。 2 sth seen; sth taking place before the eyes, esp sth fine, remarkable or noteworthy: 景象; 景; 奇观; 壮观: The sunrise as seen from the top of the mountain was a tremendous ~. 从山顶所见的日出景象, 蔚真奇观。 The poor drunken man was a sad ~. 那可怜的醉汉样子令人悲痛。 Don't make a ~ of yourself, don't draw attention to yourself by dressing, behaving, etc ridiculously. 不要现眼(衣着及举止等,不在责唐可笑而引人注意)。 3 ~s; a pair of ~s, pair of lenses in a frame, resting on the nose and ears, to help the eyesight (or to protect the eyes from bright sunlight) (glasses is the more usu name). 眼镜; 护目镜 (glasses. 较常用)。 see everything through rose-coloured ~s, take a cheerful, optimistic view of things. 到事持乐观看法。 ~d adj wearing ~s. 戴眼镜的。




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