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单词 speak
释义 speak /spi: k; spik/ VI, vt (pt spoke /spwk; spok/, archaic (古) spake) /speik; spek/, pp spoken /'spsokan; 'spokan/ 1 [VP2A, C] make use of language in an ordinary, ndt a singing, voice: 说; 说话: Please ~ more slowly. 请说慢一点。 2 [VP2B, C, 3A] ~ (to/With sb) (about sth): 与呆人谈论某事: i was ~ing to him about plans for the holidays. 我在同他谈论度假的计划。 ~ for sb, a state the views, wishes, etc of; act as spokesman for. 作某人的发言人; 陈述某人的意见、愿望等。 b give evidence on behalf of. 代表…证明某 ; 证贰 ~ for oneself, a express one's views, etc in one's owh way. 以自己的方式说明自己的见解等。 b (usu 通常作 .S ~ for yourselfl) not presume to ~ for others. 说说你自己的意见(不要代表旁人发言)。 -to sb, admonish: 训诫; 训斥; 吿诚; 规劝; 说: Your secretary was late again this morning — you'd better ~ to her about it. 你的秘书今天早晨又迟到了一你最好说说她。 ~ to sth, ~ in confirmation of or in reference to: 说到; 提到; 证明: Is there anyone here who can ~ to his having been at the scene of the crime, who can say that he was there? 这里有人能够证明他曾在犯罪的现场吗? You must ~ to the subject, not wander away from it. 你(讲话)不可离题。 ~ of the dBvill said when, just after being spoken about, sb is seen, heard, etc. 刚谈到某人, 某人就来了; 说曹操,曹操就到。 nothin to ~ of, nothing worth mentioning; ndt mucl 无可称述:乏善可陈; 不値一谈。 7 out/up, a ~loud(er). 大(更大)孰说 - b give One's opinions, etc without hesitation or fear, 毫不迟疑或恐惧地说出自己的意见等。 b, not on '~/ng terms with sb, a not know him well enough to ~ to him. 与某大或识的程度还不到可以谈话的地步。( b) no longer ~ to him because one has quarrelled with him. 因与人交恶而不再与之谈话。 so to —. as one might say: if I may use this expression, etc. 可以说; 可谓。' ~ing-trumpet n (now replaced by hearingaids) trumpet-shaped device held to the ear by a deaf person to help him to hear. (现已为 hearingaids 肤取代)喇叭形助听器。 ing-tube n tube that carries the voice from one place to another, eg from a ship's bridge to the engine-room. 通话管(如从舰桥通至引擎室者)。 3 [VP2C, 15A] give evidence (of), convey ideas (not necessarily in words): 说明; 证实; 传达概念(不一定用语言): Actions ~ louder than words. 行动胜于空言。 The portrait ~。 /is a ~ing / 法 eniss, is excellent, tells us well what the sitter was like. 遇人像画得非常好 (很像本人)。 ~ volumes for, be strong evidence Of: 极足以证明; 为有力证据: This evidence ~s vol umes for his honesty. 这证据足以证明他的诚实。 ~ well for, be evidence in favour of. 对…为有利证据。 4 [VP6A] know and be able to use (a language): 懂或通(某 NS); → 使用或会说(某种请言): He ~s several languages. 他通数种 ts English spoken hen? 此地通用英语吗 ? 5 [VP2A, 3A] address an audience; make a speech: ■ 双; 演讲: //e spoke for forty minutes. 他(演亍四十分钟。 Are you good at ~ing in public 你撞长当弃演说吗? 6 [VP6A] make known; utter: 说明; 说出: ~ the truth. 说★话。 ~ mind, express one's views frankly or bluntly. 坦率表明自己的见解及意见。 7 (in the pattern, adv (in: ly) and pres pan): (用于副词(以 -ly 结尾)加现在分词的句型中): strictly/roughly/generally, ftc ~ing, using the word(s) in a strict/rough/general, etc sense. K 格地(约略地, - 般地等)说来。 8 [VP6A] (naut) hail and exchange information with (by flag signals, etc) : (航海)(借腹语等)联络; 招呼; 交换情报: ~ a passing ship. 与经过的给联络。9 [VP2A] (of a gun, musical instrument, etc) make sounds. (指枪炮、 乐器劳)发响声。10 —easy n illicit liquor shop (esp in the US during the period Of prohibition). 非法卖酒的商店(尤指美国禁酒时期)。 ~er 1 person who makes speeches (in the manner indicated): 说话者; 演说者(典形容词连用): He's a good/poor, etc ~ . 他是一个好的(差勃的等)演说者。 2 (short for) loud- ~er. 贝 loud ~ er 之略。3 S—er, pre siding officer of the House of Commons and other legislative assemblies. (英国下议院及其他议会的)议长。 '-er.ship /-Jip; - Jip/ n office of the S~er; period of office of a S~er. 议长的职位;议长的任期。




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