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❶ (抓住东西向上爬) climb; clamber: ~ 着绳子往上爬 climb up a rope hand over hand; 常春藤 ~ 墙往上爬。 The ivy has climbed up the wall.
❷ (跟地位高的人结亲戚或拉关系) seek connections in high places: 高 ~ make friends or claim ties of kinship with someone of a higher social position
❸ (设法接触; 牵扯) involve; implicate: 乱咬乱 ~ make wild charges, while under interrogation, to implicate others
◆攀比 vie with each other; compare unrealistic; compare with the higher; 攀比风 craze to vie with each other; 攀扯 implicate(sb. in a crime); involve (sb. in a charge or crime); drag into an affair; 攀登 climb; clamber; scale; 攀附 play up to (people of power and influence);
攀高枝儿 climb to a higher branch of the tree — to rise high; go to a better place; put oneself under the patronage of a big wig; 攀花折柳 break off flowers and willows; patronizing brothels; visiting a house of prostitutes; (of a man) be in the habit of making love without serious intentions; philander; flirt; 攀花折木 break off flowers and branches; 攀龙附凤 serve an Emperor and do service for a Throne; clamber over the dragon and follow the phoenix — attachment to the great; climb on to a dragon or hang on to a phoenix; climb the political ladder on the strength of one's influence with those in power; curry favor with those in power; fawn upon the influential people; play up to people of power and influence; put oneself under the patronage of a bigwig; seek connections with the highers - up and rise to power oneself on the wave of their success; 攀亲 claim kinship; profess to be sb. else's relation; [方] arrange a match; seek a match; ask for a match; 攀亲道故 claim ties of blood or friendship; profess to be a close relative or an old friend of sb.; 攀雀 {动} penduline titmouse; penduline tit; 攀谈 engage in small talk; drag another into conversation; strike up a conversation; have a free and easy talk; chitchat; accost; 攀援 climb; clamber; [旧] climb up through pull 攀缘 climb; clamber; climb the social ladder through pull; 攀越 escalade; 攀折 pull down and break off (twigs, etc.)





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