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单词 sound
释义 sound3 /saund; saund/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] produce sound from; make (sth) produce sound: 使郁; 使 (某物) 发声: ~ a trumpet. 吹喇叭。 2 [VP6A] utter: 发出: ~ a note of alarm/danger. 放警报 (发出危险讯号) 。 3 [VP6A] pronounce: 发…的音; 读…的音: Don't ~ the 'A' in 'hour' or the 'b' in 'dumb', hour 中的 h 或 dumb 中的 b 不要发音。 4 [VP6A] give notice of: 通知; 衰希: ~ the alarm, eg by ringing a bell; 发布警号 (如借敲钟); ~ the retreat, by blowing a bugle, 吹版退号。 5 [VP2A] give forth sound: 发声; 作响: The trumpet ~ed. 喇叭响了。 This black key (eg on the piano) won't ~, No sound is produced when the key is struck. 这黑键伽锵琴上者) 按下去不会响。 6 [VP6A] test, examine (the wheels of a railway carriage, etc by striking them; a person's lungs by tapping the chest). 听验 (火车之轮等); 击验; 听诊 (人之肺); 敲诊。 7 [VP2C, D] give an impression when heard (often fig): 听起来; 似乎 (常作比喻用法) : How sweef the music ~s! 这音乐听起来多悦耳! It ~s to me as if there's a tap running somewhere, I think I can hear water running from a tap, 我好像听到某处水龙头的流水声。 His explanation ~ all right, seems reasonable enough, 他的解释听起来似乎有涪理。 Her excuse ~ very hollow, is unconvincing. 她的借口难以令人心服。 8 '.ing-board n canopy placed over a platform to direct the ~ of the speaker's voice towards his listeners; thin plate of wood on a musical instrument, for magnifying its ~; (fig) way of causing an opinion, plan, etc to be widely heard. (装在讲台等上面, 使声音送至听者的) 响板; 共鸣板; 乐器上扩大音响的薄板; (喻) 宣扬意见,计划等的方法。




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