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单词 skull
释义 skull /skAl; skAl/ n bony framework of the head. 脑壳; 头盖备。 the illus at skeleton. 参看 skeleton 力插图。 have a thick ~, be stupid. 笨头笨脑。 [ ~ and 'cross-bones, picture of a ~ and two thigh-bones crossed below it (as an emblem of death or danger, and formerly usecf on a flag by pirates). 骷髅画; 骷髅旗 (为死亡或危险之象征,昔时海盗用作旗帜) 。 '~cap n close-fitting (often velvet) cap worn indoors by old or bald men, by Popes and cardinals. 室内便帽 (常用天鹅绒制成,老人、秃头者、敎宗及红衣主敎等戴之) 。 -skulled suff (with adj prefixed): (用形容词作字首): .thick-' ~ed, having a thick ~. 笨头笨脑的。




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