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单词 bind


vb. fasten by a tie绑,捆。
△Mer.2.5.54: “Fastbind,fast find—”绑得牢,丢不了。(又译:门关得严,多攒钱。)~ vt.
1. knit,tie 使紧密结合,扎紧。
△1H.Ⅵ. 5.1.15: “thesooner to effect/And surer bind this knot of amity,”为了早日实现并且牢牢系紧这种友好的结合…
2. tie,engage使受约束,使订婚。
△Ado.5.4. 20: “Tobind me,or undo me”,使我订婚,或是毁掉我。(又可译为:让我受到(婚姻的)约束,或者把我〈从独身生活中〉解放出来。)
△1H.Ⅵ.5.5.59:“And therefore,lords,since he af-fects her most,/ Most of all these reasons bindethus/In our opinions she should be preferred.”所以,诸位,既然他最爱她,这一条理由就最能约束我们,只应该让她被选上。
3. make indebted,place under obligation使受恩惠,使欠人情。
△Mac. 1. 4. 42: “From hence to Inverness,/And bind us further to you.”i.e. And place us underfurther obligation to you by accompanying us.我们到因弗内斯去吧,我们还要再打扰你。
4. oblige. engage迫使,约束。
△3H.Ⅵ.3.2.43: “Soshall you bind me to your Highness’ service.”这就使我必须为陛下效劳。


v. 捆,绑,包扎,装订,约束,结合(使)粘固 n. 结合,胶泥,页岩,带,索,系杆
◇ be binding on (upon)对…具有约束力
be bound for 开往…去
be bound to do sth. 必须要,非…不可
be bound to 被束缚在…上
be bound up with 与…有密切关系
bind about 捆,绑
bind oneself go do sth.保证做… /bind sb. over to appear at the assizes 责令某人大审期间出庭
bind sb. over 责令…守法
bind sb. to fulfill a contract 责令某人履行合同
‖ bind a bargain 订立买卖契约
bind blade attack 拔剑进攻,阻挠剑的进攻
bind in bound半精装
bind in paper cover 平装
bind situation 约束情况
bind thrust 掏刺
bind tie调料剂
binding and layout design 书籍装帧设计
binding art 装帧艺术
binding character 约束性
binding clause 约束条款
binding contract 有约束力的合同
binding costs 装订费
binding design 装帧设计
binding effect约束力
binding force 约束力
binding from sheets 散叶装订
binding in honour only 仅在道义上有约束力力的
binding medium 颜料结合剂
binding nature 约束性
binding nature of the award 仲裁判决的约束力
binding on all parties 对全体当事人具有约束力
binding over 取保候审
binding precedent 具有约束力的判例
binding receipt 承保收据
binding screw 紧固螺丝
binder n. 黏合剂,装订机,封皮,绷带,临时合同,临时保单
binder-clay n. 胶黏土
bindery n. 装订厂
binding adj. 有约束力的 n. 书籍装帧,承担义务,约束





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