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单词 sharp
释义 sharp /cup; Jarp/ adj (-er, -est) 1 with a fine cutting edge; not blunt: 有利刃的; 锋利的: a ~ knife; 快刀; with a fine point, able to make holes: 会锐的: a ~ pin / needle. 尖锐的大头针(缝衣针)。 2 well-defined; clear-cut; distinct: 轮廓明显的; 周边清楚的; 明晰的: a ~ outline; 明晰的轮廓; a ~ image, (in photography) one with clear contrasts between light and shade. 明暗对比明显的影像。 3 (of curves, slopes, bends) abrupt; changing direction quickly: (指曲线、斜坡、弯)陡峭的; 急转的: a ~ bend in the road; 路上的一处急转弯; a ~ turn to the left; 向左的急转;| ~- 'featured, (of a person) having angular features. (指人)面部轮廓分明的。 4 (of sounds) shrill; piercing: (指声音)尖锐的; 蓟耳的: a ~ cry of distress. 痛苦的尖叫声。 5 quickly aware of things; acute: 敏锐的; 伶俐 J 的; 机警的: ~ eyes/ears; 灵敏的眼(耳); a ~ intelligence; 听慧; a ~ sense of smell; 敏锐的嗅觉; keep a ~ look-,, 注意地守望着; a ~ child; 伶网的小孩; ~ at arithmetic. 精于算术。 ~-shooter n man skilled at shooting with a rifle, placed where accurate shooting (in war) is required. 神枪手; 狙击手。 Hence, lh 此产生, .~-leyed/-,sighted//-'witted adj 6 (of feelings, taste) producing a physical sensation like cutting or pricking: (指感觉、味道)强烈的; 辛辣的; 刺骨的; 刺耳的: a ~ pain; 剧痛; a ~ flavour; 辛辣的味道; a ~ frost. 麻寒。 7 harsh; severe; 尖刻的; 苛刻的; 厉害的; 严厉的: ~ words; 尖刻的话; a ~ rebuke; 严厉的指责; a ~ tongue, of a person who speaks sarcastically, bitterly. 利舌。 8 quick; brisk; lively: 敏捷的; 轻快的; 活泼的; 生气勃勃的: go for a — g/A; 去做一次轻快的散步; a ~ struggle/ contest. 有生气的奋斗(竞赛)。 That was ~ work, was finished or done quickly and energetically. 那是一鼓作气完成的工作。 9 quick to take advantage; unscrupulous: 精明的; 狡猾的'; 不择手段的: “ ~ lawyer. 狡猾的律师。 He was too ~ for me, He got the better of me by being unscrupulous. 他太不择手段,我对付不了他。 ~practice, business dealings that are not altogether honest. 诈骗的手段。 10 (music) above the normal pitch; (of a note) raised half a tone in pitch: (音乐)高调的; (指音符) 升半音的; 婴音的: C~ (=C#) → flat). → the illus at notation. 参看 notation 之插图。 n (music) ~ note; the symbol # used to indicate a ~ note. (音乐)升半音音符; 升半音记号 (#)。 adv 1 punctually: 准时地: at seven (o'clock) ~. 七时整。 2 suddenly; abruptly: 突然地; 急剧地: turn ~ to the left. 向走急转。 3 (music) above the true pitch: (音乐)升半音地: sing ~. 以升半音唱。 4 look waste no time; hurry. 不要浪费时间; 赶快。 5 , ~-set adj hungry. 饥饿的。 ~en /'Japan; 'farpan/ vt, vi [VP6A, 2A] make or become ~: 使尖锐; 使急剧; 变尖锐; 变急剧: ~ en a pencil. 削铅笔。 This knife needs ~ ening. 这把刀子需要磨了。 The walk has ~ ened my appetite. 散步增进了我的食欲。 ~ener /'fa: pna(r); '/orpsnv/ n sth that ~ens: 使尖锐或急剧之物; 聘具; 削具: 0 'pencil- ~ ener; 铅笔刀(鲍); a 'knife—ener 磨刀石(器)。 ~er n swindler, esp ('card-~er) person who makes a living by cheating at cards. 骗子; (尤指)赌纸牌的郎中 (card-sharper) → ~ly adv in a ~ manner: 锋利地; 尖地; 明晰地; 苛刻地: a ~ pointed pencil; 笔尖尖的铅笔; 。 ~ly defined image; 轮廓分明的像; to answer ~ly. 严厉地回答。 ~ness n




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