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单词 shade
释义 shade Jeid; Jed/ n 1 [U] (with adj, V and indef art) comparative darkness caused by the cutting off of direct rays of light; (fig) comparative obscurity: 荫; 荫凉; (喻) 幽暗; 阴暗: temperature of 35'C in the ~. 在荫凉处温度为摄氏三十五度。 Keep in the it's cooler. 你就待在荫凉处吧; 那儿比较凉爽。 The trees give a pleasant 树木供给舒畅的荫凉。 put sb/sth in/into the ~, cause to appear small, unimportant, etc, by contrast: 使 (某人或某物) 黯然无光; 使相形见细: You are so clever and brilliant that my poor efforts are put into the ~. 你是如此的聪明而且才华横溢,以致我的小小成就显得黯然无光。 tree n (esp US) tree planted to give ~. (尤美)遮荫之树。 2 [U] darker part(s) of a picture, etc; reproduction of the darker part of a picture: (图画等之) 阴暗部分; 阴影部分; 暗影: There is not enough light and ~ in your drawing. 你的图画中明暗不够显明。 3 [C] degree or depth of colour: 色度; 颜色之深浅: dress materials in several ~s of blue. 数种不同深浅之蓝色的衣料。 4 [C] degree of difference: 差异的程度; 细微的差别: a word with many ~s of meaning. 其意义寿许多差度的一个字。 She is a ~ better today. 她今天好了一些。 5 sth that shuts out light or lessens its brilliance: 遮光物: an 'eye - ~, - 遮眼物; 眼罩; a 'lamp- ~ 灯罩; 。 'window-~ . 窗帘。 blind1, (pl) (US colloq) sunglasses 复) (美俗) 太阳眼镜。 6 (pl; liter) darkness: (复; 文) 黑暗: the of evening. 夜晚之黑暗。 7 [C] unreal or unsubstantial thing; soul after death. 不实在之物; 无实质之物; 死后之灵魂 othe ~s, the abode of spirits; the Greek underworld. 亡魂之居所; (希腊神话之) 阴间; 冥府。 vi 1 [VP6A, 15A] keep direct rays of light from: 遮蔽: He ~d his eyes with his hands. 他用手遮眼睛。 2 [VP6A] screen (a light, lamp, etc) to reduce brightness. 遮 (光,灯等) 。 3 [VP6A] darken with parallel pencil lines, etc (parts of a drawing, etc), to give the appearance of light and ~. 绘 (图画等) 之阴影; 加线条等于 (图画等) 。 4 [VP2C] change by degrees: 渐变: scarlet shading off into pink; 渐变为淡红之深红; a colour that ~s from blue into green. 由蓝渐变为绿的颜色。 shading n 1 [U] use of black, etc to give light and shade to a drawing. (绘画之) 描影法; 皱法。 2 [C] slight difference or variation. 细微的差别。




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