释义 |
铤而走险tǐng ér zǒu xiǎnbe driven to extremes(/desperation);embark on a reckless(/ha zardous)adverlture;fly in the face of Providence;make a teekless move;necessity knows no law;neck or nothing (/nought);resort to adventurism;risk danger in desperation;shoot (/run) the rapids;take a chance(/risk) with one's life;take a leap in the dark;take venturesome actions ❍ 有的是因饥寒交迫、~被捉的,……(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中)44) Others have been arrested because hunger and cold drove them to extremes. ❍ ~,急何能择?(《左传·文十七年》) That runs into danger in its violent hurry.for how in itsurgency should it be able to choose where to run?/许多生活不下去的劳苦大众,就不得不一做盗匪,因而抢劫拉生这一类案子层出不穷。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—223) Many among the toiling masses,who had exhausted all means of providing some form of peaceful living for themselves,were forced to start a dangerous life as brigands.Consequently,cases of robbery and kidnapping occurred almost without interruption. 铤而走险ting er zou xianrisk danger in desperation 铤而走险make a reckless move;take a risk in desperation; risk danger in desperation; last resort 他~推行“台独”的疯狂程度已到了中国人民难以容忍的地步。His reckless and unbridled acts to pursue “Taiwan independence” have exceeded the limit of the tolerance of the Chinese people.or:What he has done in his unscrupulous pursuit of “Taiwan independence” has become intolerable to the Chinese people./迫不得已~对暴政和压迫进行反叛be compelled to have recourse,as a last resort,to rebellion against tyranny and oppression 铤而走险tǐnɡ ér zǒu xiǎn铤:快跑的样子;走险:奔赴险处。形容因无路可走而采取冒险行动。neck or nothing, make a reckless move, take a leap in the dark, take risks with one’s life, risk danger in desperation |